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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Last night, when I got home, the lights in the common area were off, and I took off my shoes in the dark (no point wasting energy). As I was climbing up the stairs to the living room, I noticed a shadow moving in the darkness. But it was too late. She got me.

"He screams like a girl."

Yup, Hazel was hiding around one of the corners and pounced on me. Tickled me good too. I had to beat some sense into her after tho. ChuckL came down to check out on the commotion and I asked him if I could take her outside and kill her. No dice. Dang. I'll have to get her back sometime.. sometime..

The day started out sunny, or so it seemed. Hazel and ChuckL were especially noisy this morning, and I overheard Hazel telling ChuckL

"There's no hot water."

(*groan*) That meant that my morning was shot. They told me after checking if I was up or not. When I got up (I figure I might as well stay in bed a bit longer) I checked for myself. Sure enough, hot water was cold (and cold water was cold). So, to pass the time, I played a bit of Baldur's Gate. It took about two hours before the water became comfortably warm so I could take a shower and do the dishes. What a pain.

Checked e-mail today, as always. Got a picture from Growly regarding MJO's birthday dinner. (We took him out to East Side Mario's) I can't remember exactly the date of this thing, but the best guess is sometime in 1997.

Speaking of MJO, he's looking for a new handle (with all these problems with the cult of the dead cow etc.). Actually, I'm not entirely sure why he needs to change it, even with the cDc's Back Orifice program floating around.. Anyway, if you have any good ideas, you can e-mail the boy.

I checked with my sister to see if she was interested in going to do the CN Tower climb. She referred me to some Peter guy who seems quite interested in doing it. I think I will go back home this weekend just to try it out. I also got word from Laz that Growly and Sara were both going to TO as well, so the whole gang would be in town! (We're a gang??)

SK (the other Kramer) came by checking out on the space situation up in our lab. She was taking notes for the space committee.. yeah. I asked her if she was still skating and she had to admit that she hasn't been going too often (like not at all). So I'll have to drag her out sometime.. Anyway, apart from that, this is bad news. Probably because we have fairly large spaces for a small number of students. Actually, four students, and Cosmo for four rooms. Compare that to five students per room down in Peter's lab, and you'll understand why some groups are a little jealous.. I'm just a little worried that I'll lose my office.. (which is quite likely now).

HaremPresident reminded me of a softball practice today. JCC has put together a team of people for a three pitch league and needed a number of players. Actually, they need FEMALE players, and I didn't exactly help the cause. Got a bit of exercise, and found out how rusty I was. Man o man, do I suck. I'll ask around to see if I can find anyone interested in playing.. not likely with our department's track record..

That should be enough for today. I'm really hungry now, and I want to go home early today.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:04 EDT

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