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[12:00 PM EDT - This entry got me in trouble with Renee.]

Well, didn't go to Mel's yesterday. I figure I should go visit Renee first and see how she was doing. Got there about an hour after she started, and she seemed a little drowsy.. Apparently she was a little hung over from last night.

"I'm getting old."

was her excuse. That and the fact that she's not exactly built for drinking.. boy. Seems like life for her might be picking up, even though bad luck still keeps dogging her. I really feel sorry for the gal. She tries so hard and she's such a nice person, but I believe things will work out well for her. Besides, everyone seems to like her.. (well, just about everyone I know).

While I was talking to Renee at the arcade, this kid comes up to me and asks

"Do you work here?"

What the.. do I LOOK like I work here? Do I have a campus cove thing on my chest? Do I not look intimidating??!? (From the reaction I didn't think so.) Anyway, all I said was.. "Uhh.. no.." but I did ask him what his problem was. He told me that he put a credit into one of the machines and his character didn't appear. Renee was doing some other stuff ATM and I couldn't really grab her attention, so I asked the kid some questions, tried to get Renee.. gave up, and checked out the problem for myself. The kid led me to one of the cheap 25 cent games, pointed, and said "my guy didn't show up". (Thanks kid, I really didn't hear you the first time). His brother (I think it was his brother) was already playing in the 1st player slot so I took a look, hit the 2nd player start button, and lo and behold, his character appears! (They were playing one of the bomber man games). The kid looked a little stunned for a second before jumping into the game - or get killed - so I wandered back to the counter to finish my conversation with Renee. (I tried not to laugh.. really!)

Well, this morning wasn't very happy weather wise. Cloudy all day, and it even hailed for a little while this morning. surprised the heck out of me. Sorta reminding me of the little scare we had last Sunday.. Speaking of which Renee also heard that first thunderclap even though she was inside. I guess it was as loud as I thought it was, cuz it sure scared the crap out of her as well.

Played Baldur's Gate again this morning (and afternoon and evening). Which meant that I skipped out on skating today (which was okay since I had to walk to get groceries anyway). I'm on chapter four now, after finishing all of the side quests in chapter 2 (missing the Prism boy, I found him already but I forgot where he is now.) and most of the side quests of chapter 3. (Still have to go to the bridge). Reputation is at 18.. actually went to 22 or 23 (but 20 is the max), and since I rescued the Drow (and killing the Flaming Fist soldier), my rep dropped two points. No prob, lots of reputation to come.

Also found a book of constitution. Tres Kewl, now my Ranger has a constitution of 19! Good lord! He's a super-human now! Now all I have to do is bump up his wisdom a bit..

Took me a while to figure out how to get Lore to work. You actually have to pass unknown items to that person and see if they identify it (it's done automatically). That wasn't very intuitive, but saved me a few identify spells.

What a great game, hopefully I'll finish soon before I really fall behind with work!

The cashier that I had while I was shopping was a little interesting. She was kinda cute and really didn't look like she had two kids. Also, she seemed genuinely happy. It may have something to do with the fact that the store was closing right at that moment, or because the woman in front of me had her two (cute) kids (3.5 and 5.5) along. They had a short conversation about the kids, etc. etc. Peeking around I noticed that one of the cashiers in the next alley looked very familiar (and very unhappy). Anyway, the cashier was into making a lot of small talk:

"Wow, that's a lot of parmesan."

Was the opening volley. It wasn't THAT much.. just one of the large containers.. anyway, we exchanged a few words, and as she was telling me

"Have a good night."

she stared directly into my eyes. That was weird, not too many of them try to make eye contact and it startled me for a moment. (A very short moment). I figured that this was a fluke, so I left.

Bumped into Steve on the way out. What a coincidence. Mr. Little himself. Had a short chat with him, about profs and stuff.. about how human they are, and he was relating to me about one of the exams that he was in.. Business ethics or something or other, where the prof came in and said:

"You think you have it bad, I've got a bad hang-over."

That was worth a chuckle.

On the way back home, I was walking through the "heart" of "downtown" Waterloo. Actually I was walking up Albert St. and looked around at the houses and the surrounding neighborhood. You know, that part of Waterloo, even though it's in the middle of the city, and has a lot of traffic.. looks like another one of those little community towns that dot the countryside. If you get rid of the traffic, and the noise, that part of Waterloo really looks like a little rural town. The houses are not all the same suburbanite type of building, the lots are not all neatly arranged to maximize space usage, the roads aren't meant for large city type traffic, and the overall feel is very.. I can't put a finger on it. Quite bizarre really.

Sometimes, I worry too much. We'll see by tomorrow what will come. I'm going to sleep..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:49 EDT

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