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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Another amazing day today. A little on the warm side this time, considering that they don't turn on the cool water at the university until June. (June? Ha!) I had to keep both of my windows open all day. Made for an interesting study of wind effects seeing as how the building we are in ALWAYS has a huge negative pressure compared to outside. Ah well, I needed to air out my room anyway..

HaremPresident came by to drop off his Squash and Tennis racquets. He doesn't think he'll be using them much this year so he lent them to me for now. Woo! Now I can go and learn how to play!

Yeah, found out which day I was gonna be presenting at the International Symposium of Molecular Spectroscopy in June. Tuesday.. very early and before the banquet, so I'll be able to enjoy the food this year!

RHS mentioned that he went out to the hot dog stand for lunch today. Too bad I wasn't hungry and weirDo brought his lunch or we would've tagged along. Anyway, the thought of a freshly BBQed hot dog kept running through my mind, so around three, I figured that I would go out and find myself a hot dog. I went by the usual place the hot dog guy hangs our near the Math building. Hmm.. I think I found his cart, but not really. Well, no problem, I went to the plaza, where I knew some vendor wouldn't pass a chance of setting up on such a nice day. Just as I got there, I saw the guy finishing the cleanup of his cart. (Why you little..) Hmm.. I couldn't find any other hot dog stands around! (That's what happens when you wait too long). In the end, I wandered down to the Math C&D and grabbed myself a refrigerated hot dog.. got back, nuked it and ate in peace.

I thought it would be nice to take a picture of my room in the afternoon since the sunshine makes it look really cozy. So I took out my camera, and pressed the trigger.


Hmm.. that's funny. No whirring sound. My camera's an automatic so it should automatically wind to the next film slot. I press the button again. It was jammed. Oh man.. I tried shaking the thing - No dice. Moving the batteries - Nothing. I tried for nearly half an hour, until I gave up and tried to rewind the film. It did, all too well. The film rewound all the way, and I was left with a partially used roll of film, with only six pictures used. Mind you, two of them are of LNC and I wouldn't want to lose them, but boy that was annoying.

I remembered the camera shop that was in the University Plaza, so I decided to go down there and pick up some film. (That was my last roll). Wandered down to the camera store, and saw a couple of people trying the door.. on closer inspection, I saw that the sign on the door said "Closed". Checked the watch. 6pm. Gosh darned it.. not my day today.

Speaking of not my day.. I was verbally fencing with Puma before I left. I was wondering why she was bugging me so much today.. when I came back from that disappointing road trip, I found out why. She was here!! (Ahhhhhhh!!!! Tho she was wearing incredibly short shorts - ooh!) Ahem. We talked for a bit, she was in an amazingly good mood (having a bf helps) and she wanted to bug ShadowWhyspr. Eh, sure, why not? I didn't think it would take long for ShadowWhyspr to figure out that we were both there, but I thought we cool go out to dinner or something (seeing as Puma had the car). ShadowWhyspr wanted to wait for Bear tho. Blah blah.. after arguing for a little while, we just wet to her place and picked her up. Not too impressed, ShadowWhyspr still came along with us even though we couldn't get Lizard to join up. Ah well, one out of two ain't bad huh?

Heh. Apparently ShadowWhyspr's been working on her homepage.. No, this isn't her Sciborg one, and no, it's not done. You can check it out if you wish, but all she's got right now are poems.

Some of you may be wondering why the hell I'm using this homepage as a medium for my thoughts. Why don't I just get some poor sod and tell her my life stories? One thing has to do with the fact that this requires typing, and time. Time enough for me to think about my responses, my comments. I'm not a very fast thinker and it takes me a while to formulate my thoughts. Makes me horrible at arguments and debates, but makes me amazingly introspective after I've lost the argument.

Anyway, a couple of things before I go.. wanted to mention the Classical music they're playing in Kennedy Station. A good addition, although the live performances at Finch are much better, although sporadic. This step was probably taken to discourage kids from hanging around in the station.. not like it should, since classical music is supposed to broaden your mind. Eh, whatever.

Also, while I was eating with ShadowWhyspr and Ronnie-Wonnie I noticed that they were both blond, and remembered something Hazel told me about having all these blond chicks around me. (Uhh.. whatever. For the record, I don't have blond chicks around me.) But what I did notice was that from the girls that I've had crushes on, a good number of them were blond. Now, of course this may have to do with the fact that there are a lot of them around. A larger percentage of the general (Southern Ontario) population than.. say redheads. Is this true? I bet someones come up with a study determining the percentage of people who have a specific hair colour and I would like to know what those percentages are.

One more comment, but I'll save it for a rainy day. Time to go home now.. let's see if I'll blade back in one piece..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:25:58 EDT

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Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)