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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Last night, while I was eating (at 11), there was this phone call. I actually rushed to pick it up since I thought it was Renee returning my call (she still hasn't gotten back to me yet). Anyhoo, to my surprise, it was Lionsmane! Yes, the little Lionsmane herself. Let's just say that she's been trying to catch me for the past little while (how she got my number, I can't remember..). We ended up talking for a while (fortunately it was on HER calling card) and came across the topic of her moving in with her bf down in England. I suggested that she go seeing as she's getting bored with her job.. well, maybe not getting bored, but getting more bored. Her response was

"I can't go to England, I don't speak English. ["What language are we speaking then?"] I speak American."

That gave me a good laugh. Then I told her that I couldn't come down to visit her since I spoke Canadian, eh?

Well, we talked longer than I should have since I had to get up early today (I was TAing a lab at 8:30) and I was only kicked off when my cordless phone started to lose power. Actually, it did lose power, and since there weren't any other accessible phones in the house, I couldn't really talk to her.

That talk with Lionsmane was kind of refreshing, I guess it was a little pick-me-up from the self induced depression I was in a couple days back. Still, our conversation was interrupted and I was in the middle of asking her some very interesting questions..

Made it to school at 8:30. Unfortunately, I had to go to the PAC to pick up tickets to line up for the instructional courses being offered by Campus Rec.

Thus, I got to the lab a couple of minutes late. It wasn't too bad mind you, since there were only 10 people registered for the course and Dr. Fisher and weirDo were already present. The lab went quickly and uneventfully. I did make a quick observation tho. There was this really cute girl who's taking the course, and she's in Sci Bus. Why the heck are all the cute girls in Sci Bus? Perhaps it's a question that has no answer..

Oh yeah, at the end of the lab, Dr. Fisher showed us his work on the chemistry homepage. It looked okay, but apparently, the original version of the page looked something like this, and even tho John Hepburn liked it (so he says), he didn't want to leave it on. I thought that it would've added character (especially if they added the squishing foot).

Well, deciding what to eat for lunch is always a chore for us, but we figured that we'd eat outside (where it was nice and sunny), so I decided to get my sunglasses. So I thought. Apparently I had left them down in the lab, and went to check after I gave TG back her student card (you thought that I'd forget didn't you??). Once I made it to Dr. Fisher's office, he asked me

"Did you want your jacket?"

What the.. oi! I had completely forgotten about it. Glad I actually did come by to find it before someone else scarfed it.

Played Frisbee with weirDo even tho RHS skipped out on the idea (some people eh?). I gotta keep working on my reverse throws, but since I'm not going to play Ultimate this term (I don't think my shins can handle all of these sports) I'm not too worried.

Been working on the tables aspect of my page, and it seems like I'll have to make do with another style sheet since most of my pages will be screwed a bit by the modifications I had to make to make my tables not have the default (Netscrape) colours - black on black is very hard to see. I wanted to get these tables to work since I still had one more directory which was not updated yet. That would be my BattleTech stuff which I've left to gather dust for the past few years. Oh well, I've been fixing up some of those pages, so you're welcome to check out some of the designs I made oh so many years ago..

The ticket I got for instructional skating told me to sign up from 7 - 7:15pm today. Somehow, my mind mixed that up and made me think that the time was 7:15-7:30. Fortunately I wanted to double check the time (around 7) so I didn't lose my place. Speaking of which, it seems like I've been allowed to take both the Squash and Tennis courses. We'll see what I end up learning this term!

Coming back from registering, I found out that I got mail from T!! That made me happy since she hadn't responded in a week or so and started to worry me again. Well.. she's still worrying me right now, but I'll say no more.

On that note I think I should go and get some dinner.. I'm getting mighty hungry..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:47 EDT

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