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[12:00 PM EDT - Thoughts on life, and the inter-racial thing.]

Hmm.. I think I may have figured out why Netscrape kept crashing on me.. had to do with the little javascript thing I had working for the link down below. Well, took it off, and it seems to work fine now.

What another great day today. Got my hair cut this morning. I look scalped now. But even with most of my hair removed, it still looks really poofy. *shrug* I just hope my kids don't get my hair..

Got a ride back here from my Dad. Which meant I had to cancel the Waffle date with Squishy, and tell TP not to wait for me at the station. No problem, no harm done. To top it off, I was able to bring over a considerable amount of food from home to stock me up for the next week or so. Speaking of food, I still have to arrange a time for lunch this week.. hmm..

On the trip back, I did a lot of sleeping, but a bit of thinking, and some wondering. This was in conjunction with my parent's questions of what I will do after I've finished (heh.. make that if I finish) my masters. I told them that I didn't know, which is the truth, even though it doesn't sound very.. fulfilling for an answer. I really don't know what I want to do. What would I do if I found the woman of my dreams here? Would I stay or would I go? If I were single, I would have many possibilities.. it's very difficult to choose from that great a variety of outcomes. But if I had someone.. would that limit me? Would I want that? Just about everyone I know has a significant other. Well, except for HKL, the programmer formerly known as MJO, and weirDo.. although I don't really check for sure (except for the dude formerly known as MJO). This also ties in with the e-mail that.. you know, I really should use a shorter name for the one living in England ATM. Let's call him MJO. Anyway, this all ties in with the e-mail that MJO sent to me just recently, about how one can become amazingly successful and rich by the time he's 35, but have no one to share it with. Sure, you have money, but what is money good for?

I have no answer for that, even though I've been thinking of the same question. I think I've been avoiding answering this question for many years now. Much of my life has continued without real direction. Some people have their entire lives planned out, they know what they will do, what they will become.. But isn't the beauty of the future the fact that it is unknown to us? The fact that we cannot determine our own fate? In the end, MJO admits

I don't know - every once in a while, I get the feeling that perhaps we've lost sight of something - a higher goal, maybe.

But perhaps it is true, and I have no real purpose. For what other purpose does the human race have but to multiply? What other purpose does each human being have but to become immortalized by their offspring? What is the purpose of life?

All I'm doing now is coasting.. avoiding "real work" and refusing to bond with the society that spawned us. But without the support of our society, our great human race is nothing more than a bunch of mindless workers.. led by a few, who give the directions, but have no true map of what the future holds. How can they? The future is unknown, and we're racing towards it at full steam, gathering speed with every tick of the clock..

Geez, what kind of ramble is this? A hodgepodge of thoughts put together in a semi-cohesive glop of consciousness.. and not altogether uplifting. Still, when I was with ShadowWhyspr, I guess I was able to forget about all of that, I was able to accept society, and join the ranks of the unknown. I could see my future before me, and see what I could become.. Funny, how a bunch of chemicals can make someone so conforming.

It's times like these that I hate being human.

The questions I have now are..

What do I want? Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?

Funny how I only think of these things when I'm depressed. Except that I'm not, and these questions will have to be answered someday.

Holy crap. Went by Growly's site where he's finally put up links to his old homepages. My god, they are definitely much better than mine ever will be. Geez, I guess he also kept them updated.. for about a couple of months at least. Keeping your page up-to-date is a big pain-in-the-butt and if you have other things to do (like entertaining a gf) I highly doubt one would have time for these trivialities.

Heh.. that sort of reminds me about a little story my Mom told me an my sis. You see, my sister is going out with.. a non-Chinese guy. (I forgot.. I think he's Portuguese?) Anyway, our parents are fairly liberal, (even though my dad would've preferred someone else), but my grandmother is a little bit more set in her ways.. even though she won't admit it. My sis is planning to go to Singapore with her bf this summer, and they have a little problem. Should they go by Hong Kong (where our other grandmother - who's much less liberal - lives) then it may scare her. But if they don't go..

See the problem? Funny though, from most of the oriental people that I know, only one of them us going out with another person who's oriental. The rest are going out with Caucasians (for lack of better word). Ain't this country grand? Mind you, it all seems natural to us. Well me at least. I believe that the people I know can see past the racial differences and admire the person underneath. So it stuns me a great deal, to see so much hatred in the world; how some people cannot see past the skin - closing themselves off from such a great wealth of knowledge and understanding. But that is not the even the most worrisome problems.. the tragedy is that these people will teach their children, and their children's children, to continue an unending cycle of hatred. That is the tragedy, since it is something that I cannot stop, for who can you trust if not your parents?

*sigh* I went off on a tangent there.. I should probably keep this short. Feeling a little philosophical ATM.. MJO's very good at making me think this way. That and all the talk about the Littleton massacre..

Well.. now you may realize why I want to be able to control the greatest destructive force in the universe.. and the first question.. What do I want? Right now.. what I want is still too far out of reach.. and perhaps, when I do reach it, I may not want it anymore. I hate being fickle.

Oh man, I guess I missed out on the Simpsons.. Dang nabbit.. I left my watch at home. I still need to eat dinner, so I'll be signing off now. Catch me in a better mood.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:40 EDT

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