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[12:08 PM EDT - Humid.]

Boy is it humid out there. I don't think we've had weather this warm and humid since.. spring! *wipes brow* *turns on air conditioning*

Okay, let's see what's going on in the world today..


[12:13 PM EDT - Tiffi update.]

Yup, so it seems as Tiffi got around to updating her page, with a little comment about Sparky's departure from the web journal game. Err.. KGL also has another (cryptic) update up. Man, that kid's gonna kill herself one of these days!


[4:08 PM EDT - Resume.]

I've been updating my CV and resume and have started looking for jobs. I have no idea what I want to do unfortunately. Actually, I wouldn't mind working up in Alert or on Hibernia for a little while. I think that would be cool.

Any of you guys have any suggestions?


[4:39 PM EDT - Oops.]

Laz found a very, very big bug with my comment script. It should be fixed now, but now I'm a little worried about it accepting double quotes.. *grunts* I'll have to look into it.

Oh yeah, I fixed up Laz's comment entry in the process. Unfortunately, I don't think the table is very clear, nor do I think it makes all too much sense. I think a bit more explaining is in order!


[4:52 PM EDT - Presto!]

Change a flag here, and presto! Scroll bars are now activated for the comments window. Hopefully this should make it easier for those people previewing long comments.


[7:55 PM EDT - Chango!]

I just discovered a way to reduce the number of comment scripts that I have (I used to need two scripts, one to preview and one to submit). Now I can have a preview and a submit button on the comment form. Man, I hope I don't screw up anything this time..


[8:06 PM EDT - Voila!]

It seems as if the new setup is working and is humming along nicely. If there are any problems (like the damned, I mean darned, unpacking bug).

Let's see what else I have to do (or can do) to clean things up a bit..


[9:14 PM EDT - And I'm off!]

It's time for me to go home. Laz has an update on his page, although some of the comments seem to be more thought (and response) provoking than the entries themselves! Anyway, I think dinner is calling for me..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:32:47 EDT

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"Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and U.S. Senators."

Will Rogers (From The Quotations Page.)