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[9:44 AM EDT - Earlier than usual.]

This is a good sign. I actually came to school at a semi-respectable time. How often does that happen? *looks outside to see if the planets have aligned*

The Diablo 2 fest last night went pretty well. We lost a number of people near the end there due to bad connections. I have no idea why. It's possible that congestion at our end killed our internet connection, which would've dropped the others. Hmm.. well, we'll see if we'll do it again sometime soon.


[10:23 AM EDT - Whew!]

Just finished replacing all of the (non tag) quotes with "'s. *stretches fingers* (Just kidding! I didn't do it by hand, I wrote up a perl script. *stretches fingers anyway*)

Now let's see what else I have on my homepage to-do-list.. Hmm.. Hmm.. I think I've done most of the stuff I've set out to do! I just have to clean up the code now and finish working on the search script! Yes! (Chances are, of course, that I'll find something new and cool to add to my page which then breaks everything else, which I have to fix - again - and so on, and so on.. it will never end will it? *thinks of playing with Flash*)


[11:41 AM EDT - (Non-bowel) movements.]

I've been thinking of moving this site back onto the old Theochem machine. Scienide is getting very packed with jobs and people, and seeing as it IS a research computer, things like this site shouldn't be taking up any space or bandwidth. Unfortunately, Theochem isn't backed up anymore so I have to find a way to insure that my stuff doesn't accidentally disappears. Hmm.. Time to learn how to set up cron jobs!

Oh yeah, since Theochem is off life support, if it goes down, it's down for good. I'm a little hesitant on trusting that machine completely.. but what else can I do? Hmm.. I've been thinking of registering a domain name. Seeing as MJO, Growly, and Laz all have their own domains (all dot coms as well), I might fork over the fifty or so bucks to start my own.. (That should make moving from machine to machine easier for the viewers.) BTW, if I do register a domain name, who should I register with?

[1 Comment]

[2:14 PM EDT - Throwing discs in the sun.]

We went out today to throw the disc around a bit. I wasn't exactly mobile, but it was still fun chasing after the disc. Sorta. At least I didn't reinjure myself.. *hobbles away*


[2:53 PM EDT - ISTR.]

Just for my personal edufication, I'm writing down something that took me a little while to figure out. It actually didn't take as long as I thought it would, I seem to recall.


[4:19 PM EDT - Memory search.]

I've been thinking of upgrading the memory in my computer. I've only got 64MB right now and it's not enough for some applications (read: games). RAM prices are a little high right now, but I haven't been keeping track of the trends. Are prices going up? Down? What's the long range forecast? The cost right now is around two dollars CDN per MB (if you include tax). That's not that cheap (I'm looking for 128MB). It also seems as if PC133 RAM isn't that much more expensive (sometimes cheaper!) than PC100 RAM. Oh well, I'll keep searching for deals..


[4:26 PM EDT - Life, the universe..]

How many of you remember the game of life? Not the board game (although I remember playing that often when I was a kid - which makes you wonder why I stayed in university?), but the one where you can "grow" colonies of little organisms into very fancy structures. I remember playing this game on our Atari.. er.. I can't remember which model (It wasn't the 2600). Anyway, there's a link that I found on ArsTechnica which has a link to some guy who's got a java applet that allows you to play the game. Cool beans.

Okay, the above link came from an equally interesting story about quantum computing, but man.. that game really brings back fond memories.. (Yeah, sitting in front of the television screen wondering why all of my colonies where dying, but cool nonetheless.)


[5:29 PM EDT - Half-Ginnis.]

Apparently, KNZ's got a couple of two for one entree coupons for McGinnis Front Row. We'll be having dinner there tonight. The food isn't the greatest, but it's the Stallion's watering hole after games so I'm there often enough. Speaking of which, I got more word on the broomball tournament down in Victoria. It seems as if there are only five (well, four) guys left on the list who are still willing to go. We still haven't heard any word about whether there will be a Toronto team or not, but seven games of broomball against world competitive teams, in Victoria? Sign me up!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:17 EDT

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Sir Winston Churchill (From The Quotations Page.)