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[9:26 AM EDT - What?!? NS4 doesn't like /NOSCRIPT?]

Well, well. I came across this site listing the bugs in the NS4 renderer and realized why the page was looking funny in NS4. Argh! Actually, I came across this page by accident while trying to get the menu thing to work in NS4. I think I'll be fixing up some of my code huh?


[12:01 PM EDT - No can do.]

Well, I figured it out. I can't do what I want to do in NS4. At least not the way I want it to work. It seems like NS4 requires the use of layers, and to use layers, I have to set the layers in absolute positions, and this (for some reason) conflicts with setting the display to none. I can use visibility instead, but then I would have to shift the layers around each time I expand/contract the menu, and that's just too much of a pain in the butt. I'll think about it.

What I did end up doing was get non-javascript enabled browsers to still view the page properly, as well as fixing the formatting issues in NS4 (which doesn't seem to like having IMG tags with the class I set up). Ah well, let's see if I can implement this sucker on a more grandeose scale.


[2:46 PM EDT - No transparant PNGs?]

What? It seems like Netscape can't see transparant PNGs. Well, they can see them, it's just that they're not transparant. *sigh* GIFs it is then.


[2:58 PM EDT - Prognosis: not good.]

Hmm, I've been eyeing the weather all day and each time we get another bout of rain, the chances of playing roller hockey diminishes. Argh! A whole weekend without roller hockey? After a three week hiatus last week? Argh! *looks for furniture to break*

Maybe I'll just code instead. *basks in glow of CRT*


[Monday, August 20, 2001: Making up for lost (RH) time.]

Oh boy. I got my fill of roller hockey last night. We went to Laz's place before I had time to finish the menu thing, but no matter, I should have time tonight. Unfortunately, I didn't actually eat anything, so by the time I got there, my stomach was already complaining fiercely. I left for roller hockey around eight, although none of us had a watch and when I got to the car, I just noticed that the time was actually ten to eight. Ah well, I missed out on ten minutes of "pillar punching". Instead of taking the long way around (like last time) I made a left hand turn, and was very VERY annoyed to see that the community centre was one building from the intersection! Argh! What a waste of gas! Ah well, at least it saved me a lot of time this time. It was pretty important since I peeked over to look at the rink and didn't see any heads, which an indication that nobody was playing. (Probably due to the day's rains.) I decided to park and take a closer look when I happened upon a group of guys hanging around in the parking lot. Since I didn't know most of the people I played with, I was a little worried that I'd look like a freak staring at the group, trying to find a face that I recognized. Anyway, I was luck enough to recognize two faces and even better, they recognized me! One of them came up to me and told me that I was late. (Well duh, the thing started at six.) He also told me that they couldn't play because the rink was flooded. I figured as much. But then he told me that they were going to relocate to the Leon's at Markham and Sheppard. Oh? I figured I might as well join in on the fun. I was then asked if I could transport one of the nets in the station wagon. (They were taking it apart when I got there.) I figured, why not? So I popped the trunk and told them to shove it in. That's when one of them told me that he couldn't go beyond a certain point (past a van). I asked him why (I really shouldn't have) and he told me:

"We stole this."

*looks over at community centre* Oh goody, something I didn't need to know. I guess that's why the group hadn't left earlier. Everyone was too chicken to put the thing in their trunk. Well, they were planning on returning it later, just that it probably wouldn't have looked good not asking about it before taking it. (Since "No" was the likely answer.) *shrug* So I pulled the car a little closer and they shoved the net into my car. Then I took off to our new venue and our fleet of cars headed east. It was quite bizarre watching our line of cars pull into the parking lot, each of us taking a preferential spot (all the white cars seemed to have lined up together for some reason). We got our stuff, set up camp, and started playing hockey. We only had twelve people show up, so we played four on four. We played for the next two-and-a-half hours. Man that was tiring. It was nearly eleven when I headed back home.

I was told that game scheduled for yesterday was canceled because they didn't have enough people. What? Not enough people?!? I've got several guys chomping at the bit because they're eager to play! Hmm, I think it's time to make some calls..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:51 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)