Ah, ever since I got moved into the common area, putting my pants on after I bike to work has been a rather voyeristic event. Fortunately people don't mind too much, since they're all too busy working. Anyway, I had forgotten what I wanted to talk about. Oh, well here's a patch for that Apple QT - IESP2 problem.
Argh! (I've been Arghing and Grring a lot haven't I?) I just came back from picking up lunch. (Another nice day I must add.) After I had paid the cashier for the food, he went to give me my cookies and then gave me my reciept. So I stood there for a moment, a little confused. Did he give me my change? (I purposfully made it equal to ten dollars.) I figured that my memory must've failed me so I picked up my stuff and headed to the car. Inside, I wanted to double check and realized that I didn't have a ten in my wallet! (In fact, the total amount of funds in my wallet was much less than ten dollars.) So I headed back to the restaurant to complain. The cashier was adamant that he had given me a ten dollar bill. A new one in fact. I distinctly remember that the lady right after me gave him a new ten dollar bill, but I don't remember receiving one. But, having little respect for my memory ability, I decided not to persue the matter further. Getting back in the car, I made a more thurough search and still came up with nothing. Gah! *shakes fist* Curse my flawed memory!!
Ironically enough, the accounting practices that I've put into place for my spending money so that I don't end up losing oodles of cash doesn't do me any good if something like this happens. *fumes*
Well, it just might be a sign. *buys lottery ticket*
Ahh, I finally got to get that darned nav bar the way I had originally wanted it to be. (Like the VBScript that it was based on.) No more of these silly anchors which I have to NOSCRIPT out. Phew! Of course, this also means that nobody running Netscape 4 will be able to play with the thing, but I figure that getting it to work for that engine is too much of a hassle.
Anyway, as usual, the night is nearly over and I spent most of my free time recoding my page. Goody. Perhaps I should go out and do more stuff? *looks at deflated wallet* On the other hand..
Oh hey, on a completely separate note, I'm probably going to order that Initial D set I had my eye on. I wonder what the quality will be like..
Hopefully the weather will stay plesant for the next couple of days. I really feel like biking.
Hey, apparently there is some sort of backlash against that article on gaming and violence I mentioned a couple of days ago. There's also another interesting story on ZDNet about how brittlestars produce almost perfect microlenses.
Oh my lord.. I just got e-mail from Puma! What the.. Out of nowhere to boot! It's been.. two years now? Well, I'm still in shock. Maybe it's a good time for me to go to bed while I figure out what my response is..
Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 19:43:45 (UTC)
We're all greatly reassured by the fact that you don't wear any pants while biking in to work. Is that legal?
Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 20:16:14 (UTC)
I'm not sure if it's legal, but it sure is comfortable! *wiggles in seat*
Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 21:23:21 (UTC)
So long as he wears his helmet. Safety first, after all.
Hmm.. We should start an underwear-only bike club. The "Birthday Suites". Or hmmm... the "Skin Cycles".
Saturday, August 25, 2001 at 19:33:05 (UTC)
I'm all for it! That is, as long as we can convince a lot of young, good looking girls to join. ("This man is about to die.")