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[12:06 AM EDT - Even more lazy..]

I've been fiddling around with some of my scripts and automated some more tasks so that I can be even more lazy.. Ah, isn't sloth such a driving force?


[9:32 AM EDT - From rags to weed.]

Ugh. I'm having another bout of sniffles this morning. It'll pass once I get into my work routine, but it's quite annoying though. My wounds from yesterday haven't healed yet, but that shouldn't stop me from diving for the disc right? Right? I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt today so that nobody looks at me funny, wonder what I did to myself last night. Pants help too.

Alright, I really should start responding to some of this e-mail that's been piling up. I haven't really touched it with all of this work to do.. *sigh*


[9:41 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: Spying on the Russians.]

Oh hey, I had another bizarre dream last night. This one I actually remember the last part to. Somehow I was outside, it was snowing like crazy and I was outside of this compound. At the front, was this railing where there were a number of terminals attached. Behind it was a huge LCD type screen, divided into eight showing the output for each terminal. I managed to tap into one and realized that it was Gorbachev's account, with an account name and password. Using this information to log into another terminal, I logged in and was surprised to see that I had logged into the President's personal account! Good lord! I started sifting through the information, but I wasn't really reading. I was too surprised to do anything. After a few minutes of snooping around, a black car drove up between the railing and the screen with the window rolled down. Inside was Putin, who stopped the car and looked at me for a moment. The car stayed there for a minute before he turned back and the car drove into the compound. I got so freaked out that I ran to my car and got the heck outta Dodge. The storm began to intensify..


[9:56 AM EDT - Scene Survey: Another personality.]

girl sent me a link to yet another personality test from Swirve. Anyone care to see what they are?


[4:14 PM EDT - One out left..]

Whoa, we had two quick power outtages just now. Dang, I'm really enjoying using a laptop now! *flips through UPS catalogue*

What the.. Crap. I forgot I was writing this. I got distracted by work. Uhh.. I guess I'll finish the entry later.


[5:49 PM EDT - Just in time.. to forget everything.]

Gah! I did it again! I was rushing to get here, and then lost everything the moment I looked down at the keyboard. Argh! I need a better brain! *bangs fist against temple*

Anyhoo, I've got to go to a client site tomorrow. I hope I don't forget. Ultimate's tonight. I should forget that either. I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do with the centering issue with IE6.. *rubs chin*

*smacks lips* Eyuch. I've got that McDonald's aftertaste in my mouth. Gross. I would normally have not chosen to eat at McD's, but I wasn't coming up with any lunch ideas, and when we got together to discuss lunch, none of us had any good ideas. Well.. after several minutes, I started eliminating possibilities:

*background becomes wavy*
QYV: We had subs yesterday, and I'm not in the mood for burgers..
RH: Rats.
QYV: Well, I guess I could go get burgers..
RH: Great! I'll have a quarter pounder with cheese combo and a coke, here's the money. *thunk*
*fade to present*

Well, why didn't he just say so in the first place? *shakes fist*

Anyway, I can still feel those fries in my stomach. *moans* I don't know how I was able to digest that stuff when I was a kid.

Okay, let's see what I have to do here..


[5:55 PM EDT - More graphics.]

Stuff I found on ZDNet. This should be interesting to play around with when it comes out, that is if I ever get around to checking out XML. Also, who didn't see this coming?


[10:33 PM EDT - The Search for Ultimate.]

I just watched the last half of "The Search for Spock". Wow, you can tell that the effects are a little dated, but the Klingon phaser effect is still cool.

Anyway, ultimate was fun. We lost yet again, but hey, winning is only half of the battle! (Not losing is the other half.. *thinks* Wait.. wait..) I injured myself again today. I saw a spot of blood on my right hand and thought that some guy bled on me when I accidentally hit him in the face during my follow-trough. I wiped the blood off.. wiped the blood off.. wiped the.. oh crap. It's me. *raises hands in defeat*

On the drive back home, I saw a bus ahead on the road and was able to squeeze into the left lane pass by the bus when it had stopped at the train tracks and patted myself on the back. All in one fluid motion! Then the traffic stopped in front of me. What the.. *looks ahead* There was a bus that had stopped on the side of the road. The driver had gone into the Tim Horton's to pick up some coffee. *groans as cars pass on LHS* Never tempt fate. She usually has more tricks up her sleeves..


[10:45 PM EDT - Late night news.]

Here are a few links (from the ShackNews) I want to put up for reference. The first is about some kid who killed his parents so that he could play video games. The second link gives me hope! Wait.. wait.. their research didn't mention if the females that were attracted to the ugly males were themselves ugly..


[11:00 PM EDT - Lost the internet.. again!]

Argh! My internet connection has been going up and down the past few days. This is late at night too! What's going on here?

I never did get around to responding to all of my e-mail (all two messages). Work's really been sucking up all of my time. It's strange how I come in, plunk myself down, look at the clock and it's already lunchtime. (And no, I don't get in at noon.) Then I get lunch, eat, work, look at the clock, and it's time to go. Time will go by so quickly..


[11:54 PM EDT - Before I go..]

One last link I found at ArsTechnica. It's an interesting look at the past and future of computer gaming.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:25:04 EDT

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