Hey, I found out what was wrong with my new layout in NS4:
Bug 7: padding on TR and TD
Padding is completely broken on TR, TD and TH and should not be used.
Well, here I was doing house chores and getting ready for roller hockey when I suddenly remembered: The car was out. Doh! How could I have forgotten? Well, I still have plenty of time before the scheduled start of roller hockey, and knowing those boys, they won't get a game going until an hour after. I'm not too worried.
*taps finger on keyboard*
Ugh! I think I'm going to quit coding for the day, all code and no play makes QYV something something..
Go crazy? Don't mind if I do!
Ahem, enough Simpsonisms.. I've been working on the new layout for the journal and had to put together a new style sheet (Code Blue) that actually looks decent with it. It's still not done. The sliding task bar is similar to that of Laz's, and I'm not sure where to put the comments. I envisioned having a little popup window where you can select which windows you want showing (like the nav bar, the comment list, etc.) but they get reset every time you go to a new page (or reload the page) so some fancy cookie work is required. That or PHP.. Hmm.. *rubs chin*
Then there's the idea of commenting on each entry as opposed to each day, then there was the forum thing, then.. Ugh! Enough! *flips table* (This is a Laz-ism.)
Anyway, I'm going to have dessert!
So what did I do.. I ended up going to roller hockey a little late. It really didn't matter since very people showed up on time. Actually, very few people showed up period (around ten actually), and we didn't have any goalies! Curses! Time to drag out some legs for the next installment..
Afterward, I headed off to Laz's place where girl, Jules, and Dangerman had congregated. We went out for dinner and then I ended back at Laz's place where he showed me one of his new games: Tech Romancer. Boy is it a funny game. It's so stereotypically animeish. It's a 3D fighting game, although the 3D elements are cosmic. It plays much more like a side scrolling game like Street Fighter.
Each character has a story attached to them which you learn about as you progress through the game. Apparently each story is different, so I picked the magical girl just to see what it was like. Oh my lord, we were laughing our butts off! It's so cheesy! "Uhh.. mind if I live here?" Hee hee..
But yeah, so stereotypically animeish. Fun game.
Afterward, we checked out Return to Wolfenstein. (We were downloading it while he showed me Tech Romancer.) Seems interesting, although this is just the test demo, and is multiplayer only. The map is fairly large, and it's based on the Normandy invasion. We'll see how it plays huh?
Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 19:59:05 (UTC)
Hey you know, this level of cross-web broswer knowledge should be pretty marketable. We were working on a web based thing some time ago at work, and it took a lot of expensive developer's time to get anything that was decent on IE and NS..
Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 20:13:55 (UTC)
Cross browser knowledge shouldn't be too hard to learn. You just need access to the browsers in question, and then a few resources on the net should suffice. Most of what I learned was from trial and error, plus some not-so-obvious stuff from the browser bug site, and some HTML, CSS, and javascript resources. That javascript reference guide Reg pointed me to also helped a bundle.
However, I think that all of this cross browser knowledge is going to be moot, since IE has basically dominated the browser market. The reason why I still (or try to) support the minor browsers is because I still use Lynx, and NS sometimes. It'd be pretty silly to make a web page that you can't see for yourself! Don't start talking about WAP yet, we don't know where that's headed..