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[12:14 AM EST - Perseids.]

Ah, it's that time of the year again. I heard about this on ArsTechnica before the ShackNews but whatever. I've seen falling stars before, but I've never been witness to a shower yet..


[10:00 AM EST - It's raining..]

It's another warm and wet day out there, and I need more sleep. *yawn* I won't be getting much over the next couple of days, but hopefully I'll be able to get some new ski equipment by the end of the weekend. There's apparently some sort of ski store going out of business in Unionville that RH told me about. I'll have to check it out to pick up goggles, pants, and gloves.


[Saturday, November 3, 2001: Terrorizing Halloween Party.]

I went to the Halloween party at Laz's place. I was a little worried, because I knew that if I did not show up with a costume, I'd suffer some sort of ridicule. But anyway, I won't talk about the party much since Laz will probably have a whole story about it (with pictures and comments too!).

What I will talk about is how I got my costume together. I've been thinking about it for the past week, and came up with the idea of being one of the models on Counter-Strike. Unfortunately, I realized that I didn't have any equipment required for a counter-terrorist, so I took a look at the terrorist models. Then I saw it. The 733t Krew. Yeah! The only model that wears glasses! I had a green shirt which I could put over one of my many white T-shirts, I had khakis (not the same as tan but close enough), I had dark brown shoes and.. I could put together a bomb. The only things I was missing was the dark complexion and the thigh holster. (And guns I guess, but that's a minor detail.) I went shopping for guns on Wednesday after work but unfortunately didn't come up with anything. Thursday night was shot, and Friday night was the party! What was I to do?

Well, Friday came and I realized that I the model was also wearing cut-off gloves, which I didn't have either. I also found out that the bomb I was to make (with my bike light) was up a creek since the batteries in my light were dead. Not good, not good. I was also disenchanted by the fact that the only person who'd recognize my costume is Laz, although Werdna, Dangerman or Growly would've figured it out. Furthermore, I was already wearing my green shirt, and khaki pants that day to work (so I wouldn't have to change later) so it might look a little tacky.

It is during this worried state that I was called up by Werdna wondering when I was heading to the party. After chatting about locations and times for a few minutes, I asked him if he had any guns that I could borrow. He said he did, but he was using his most realistic gun for himself. Really? I asked him what he was dressing up as. He told me "A counter-terrorist."

*light from heavens shines on QYV*

No way! This is perfect! With him as a counter-terrorist, I would complement his costume perfectly despite not being very convincing. So I called him over and quickly fired up Counter-Strike to do some more.. studying. After he made it over, I realized that he didn't have the materials I needed, so after slapping together the bomb (i.e. my chess box wrapped in white paper with the bike light attached - I didn't have brown paper) we headed out to Candian Tire. There, I was able to grab some AAA batteries, and a pair of bike gloves. No thigh holster unfortunately. We couldn't stay that long, we were already late for dinner (with girl and Dangerman) so we left. Still, I had most of the stuff I needed, and Werdna still had his light meter bag..

After dinner, picking up the ice, and being invited into Laz's place by a strange looking geisha, Werdna and I got to putting our stiff together. I asked if I could borrow Laz's holsters (which he used for his Neo costume) and tried to put the batteries into the bike light.


Laz decided to have a Halloween party at his place this year and he invited a number of people from school and work. Despite having over a month to think about what to wear for the party, I was torn as to what to do for a costume. The suggestions thrown about during the gathering at Dangerman's place the weekend before were floating in my head, but I really wanted to dress up as a Counter-Strike character before the game lost it's popularity. Luckily enough for me, Werdna was planning to go as a counter terrorist, and that gave me the push I needed to get my "costume" together..

QYV the terrorist is on the left getting ready to plant the bomb while Werdna the counter terrorist on the right is checking the sights on his MAC-10.

Actually, the room was dark, and the only light source I had was Werdna's flashlight, so it actually did look like I was putting something together in some dark cellar. But that's beside the point. I got the batteries in, popped the top on, and hit the switch. Nothing happened. What the.. the bomb's useless without a light! (I was planning on putting on a calculator too, but didn't have a large one handy.) On closer inspection, I noticed that the connection plates were corroded. The previous batteries had sprung a leak and corroded onto one of the elements, so I spent a few minutes scraping off the gunk with my finger. But it was all good, I got it to work, and with Werdna's help, we were able to put on a makeshift thigh holster, and I complemented it with Laz's e-hoslter and my backpack. With bomb in hand (and light flashing) we went down to greet the rest of the party members..

[Action pose.]

The party itself was okay. I got to meet a bunch of new people, although I couldn't stay long because I had a ski swap to go to the next day. It's unfortunate that I couldn't find a group photo. I decided to drop the other pictures from the party because they were taking up a lot of space (and I was running out of comments for each) and most of these pictures can be found on Laz's site anyway.

That's me in an action pose. (Werdna was supposed to be in action mode to, but instead was in "this drink is good" mode.)

Well, that (as they say) is that. The party went fairly well, although I had to leave early because I wanted to wake up early to go to the Pickering ski sale. I didn't actually recognize all too many people there. It was all good though. All good.

<- plants bomb.

"'Bomb has been planted."

Hee hee..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:44:38 EDT

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