With my injury, I was pretty much stuck at home. Actually, last night was pretty painful. I think I might've twisted my ankle again while I was sleeping. Methinks a tensor bandage may be a good idea. I ended up spending most of my time in front of the computer. Well, that's not all so different than what I usually do, but hey, I would've liked to have gone outside (rain and all).
Hmm, my connection to my server was down for a little while this morning for some reason. But it's back up, so that's good. I still have no idea why it went down though..
Anyhoo, I got this link from girl a while back. Feel like making a quiz?
I went to Tim Horton's for lunch this morning and ordered some clam chowder. Holy crap, this stuff is thick! *smacks lips* And there's like clams in there too! I must've either gotten the bottom of the bucket or the serving girls decided to be nice to me or something. *chows down*
I've been finishing off those side quests in BG2. I've been able to take out half of the dragons in the game, and just about everything else! Too bad I lost half of my "special weapons" (the ones that you have to collect and put together). Curses!! *shakes fist. Further, the best weapon I found was on the Firkraag was a +5 Holy Avenger. Too bad it only works with paladins. Argh! *throws sword away*
I forgot to mention that on my way to pick up lunch, I was making a left turn onto the side street (which was a back way to the Tim's, but stopped in mid turn when I saw someone who had parked across the street. What the..?!? I decided to go around, but not before noticing that the yutz was talknig on his (her?) cell phone. After picking up lunch, I came by this street and noticed that the car was gone. Grr..
Well, at least he wasn't driving I guess.
Monday, October 15, 2001 at 15:49:00 (UTC)
oh no! of course you should put a tensor on it!