Anyone got that forward about not going to the mall on Halloween? I got it forwarded to me from Madelaine ages ago but didn't bother sending it off. I figure I might as well mention it here, although I doubt any of us will be hanging around a mall on Halloween. (That's like.. so teenage.)
Remember all that talk about Steve Gibson a while back? Well, MJO's been digging around and came across yet another article on him. This one's at the Register.
I got word from weirDo about the upcoming trailers for SW:AotC.
Strange. I got my change for lunch today and noticed that my dime looked kind of different. Whoa.. it WAS different! When the heck did they start minting these new dimes? (Well, it does say 2001 on the dime so my guess would be..)
Yesterday was the first day this since last winter that I came home from work in the dark. The time change back to standard made a pretty big difference didn't it? Well, as long as I don't go to work in the dark as well..
I was checking out the ShackNews and came across an article about some new acne fighting molecules. I was also reminded that tomorrow is the first full moon that has happened on Halloween in over forty years. (The next one is in 2020.)