I came back from ski patrol not so long ago. Actually, I came back late because I went out with a bunch of the patrolers. That was actually a pretty good thing. Getting to the bar early meant that I was able to find a seat and sat in through some nice conversations. (There was a lot of talk about traybogganing.) The class itself was okay. There was some talk about CISS (critical incident stress syndrome) and this was appropos considering that we had just seen a video on childbirth. Dear LORD! I didn't have to see THAT!!
Remind me not to have any kids..
Some guy wants to make a movie starring Bruce Lee. So what if he's dead, they'll just use CGI! I found this link at the ShackNews.
Wow, I can't believe how mild it is out there. I hope the weather holds for this weekend. It would be an ideal time to go biking. Not too hot, the scenery would be great, and roads would be clear. Besides, I think I actually have Saturday off.. *thinks of possible things to do*
I've got to get my picture taken tomorrow. My passport's expiring soon and I need to get it renewed incase I decide to travel. (Although the likliness of that ever happening is slim.)
While I'm at it, I might as well do some bookkeeping and get my birthdate corrected.
Perhaps we'll go and visit Laz too huh?
Hey, here's a UPS horror (picture) story for any of you folks thinking of moving your computer stuff in the next little while. Found the link at ArsTechnica.
Friday, November 16, 2001 at 13:07:48 (UTC)
QYV, I don't think you *can* have kids. I'm pretty sure you're not properly configured for it...
Friday, November 16, 2001 at 15:00:03 (UTC)
Not even with the proper software upgrade? (Downgrade? =)