I read two interesting articles in the paper today. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any links on the subjects but I'll look around for them. The first is about the first fully wire driven automobile for the masses. It's called the Filo and boy does it look strange. It's as if they strapped two couches together and attached a large game controler in the middle. That's it. No gauges or doohickys or nothin. An interesting concept really.
The second article is about a 100 million dollar investment in a new physics centre at UW. The prime focus for this new centre is to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity. (They decided to mention string theory as the leading possibility.) The donator is one of the RIM founders.. Mike something. Anyway, I think it's all cool and stuff, but why didn't they do it while I was still in school? *shakes fist*
Sunday, December 02, 2001 at 07:59:41 (UTC)
Mike Lazaridis, yeah.
You're just hearing about this now? I think they actually did this when you *were* in school.
Monday, December 03, 2001 at 00:43:14 (UTC)
Voila the thing's website:
I hope they don't create a Higgs boson that destroys the Universe. Oh wait, it's a purely theoretical institute... but then again, maybe at this stage in the game, pure thoughts could generate virtual massive particles and such other weirdness. Would be worth it to lose bits of Waterloo to a singularity!
Growlo <e-mail>