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[10:07 AM EDT - Frosted Flakes.]

I had Frosted Flakes this morning. I haven't had this type of cereal in a long, long time. The first spoonfull brought back memories of childhood. Of me, eating breakfast in the morning before school, hungrily devouring my sugary meal with my little spoon. I remembered when I added my own sugar to my heaping bowls of cereal, never content with the blandness of most of these brands, always craving that initial zing you get with that first mouthfull of sucrose. I remembered pouring heaps of brown sugar into my bowl and noticing, as I slowly reduced my mountain of cereal, that the milk gradually turned a murkey brown, absorbing the colours and flavour of my one extra ingredeant. I remember how I enjoyed sipping at the sweetened milk, coating my tongue and washing down the last of my morning meal. I remember the last spoonfulls of milk, heavilly laden with sugar crystals, too saturated to dissolve any more and leaving it up to me to scrape away the last remnants from the bottom of the bowl. I remember being satisfied at consuming a monstorus meal, giving me the energy to tackle all of the trials and tribulations for the day.

I looked back into the bowl. I was only halfway done and my stomach was churning at the sudden influx of sugar. Each progressive spoonful was agonizingly difficult to ingest as the sudden rush of taste was gone, replaced by a continuous feeling of nausea. The milk, sweetened to dizzying heights, tasted as if it was past it's prime, sweetened to mask the flavour, rather than to heighten it. Forcing myself to consume each spoonful was nigh impossible, a chore that needed to be done. As I approached the bottom, I was very glad that I didn't add any sugar as I would have want to do in my youth. My system was already saturated by these carbohydrates and any more would've made me ill. As I finished off the last drops of milk, I pushed the bowl away and realized how much things have changed. Nostalgia can only get you so far.

Tomorrow, I'm eating Rice Krispies.


[3:15 PM EDT - Two quick questions.]

Two quick questions:

This happens to Britons on average thirty times a day.

The other one is:

After walking, swimming, and camping, what is the fourth most popular sport in the US?

That's it for now.


[6:42 PM EDT - Argh.. forgot something.]

Grr.. I forgot something. I delayed putting up an entry and I completely forgot what I wanted to write about. That is very annoying. Very annoying.

Oh well, you live, you learn.

So I've got Ski Patrol tonight. Let's see if I get there on time huh?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 07:28:35 EDT

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