Hey, I guess I was a little busy last night. Anyhoo, I'm throwing up some news links from the ShackNews. The first one is about Venezuela losing time, my nail clipper might've been sold on eBay, some cool clouds, and something about Britney.
I found out about the upcoming Battlestar Galactica miniseries on Slashdot.
I just finished doing a preliminary tax refund and I'm definitely getting more than last year. It might even be enough to egg me onto buying a car..
I'm going to be free next Saturday since tutoring's been canceled. *rubs chin* Maybe I should go snowboarding?
I went downtown to have dinner with ASH and his ultimate cronies. It was pretty good, although I ended on the side of the table where I didn't know anybody. The food was pretty good, although pricey. I should've tried some of the Thai, but I wasn't really in the mood for spicy foods.
I didn't stick around for the after dinner events (and from the turnout, not many others from dinner did) because I had a hockey game to attend. We finally finished off the series this game, and it wasn't really much of a contest. With a full bench, I didn't even get winded. It was a good game for us, since all of our players played well. I'll be throwing up a picture shortly.
On the other hand, when the teams for the next series were picked, I think I got on the short end of the stick. Most of the best players are on the other team. Oh boy.