I'm just posting a couple of interesting articles I found on the ShackNews. The first is about the changing nature of social rules in the wired society and the second is finding the zero-minute workout.
Everytime I hear U2's "Electrical Storm". I keep thinking that they're saying Electric Coaster. It confused me for the longest time why they'd be singing about an Electric Coaster.
Man, why do weekends go by so quickly when you're spending most of your time on the hill? Anyway, I've got some catching up to do with e-mail and other stuff but it seems as if things are wraping up for winter events.
Skiing was good. There weren't that many people so I got a fair bit of skiing in. It was a little cold, but I got to practice some of my skills. I need to really work on weight distribution. I keep leaning back too much. "Think downhill." as Dangerman would say.
Ooh! A new picture! I gotta get it posted.
I've been thinking of reinvesting my dividends. I thought I could go here, but I don't think that's what I'm looking for. I guess I'll just reinvest it myself.