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[12:47 AM EST - News and taxes.]

I got a good link about taxes and the like from girl. I think I'll be filing my taxes either today or tomorrow I don't see anything else coming down the pipe.

While I'm here, there some news sendmail users might be interested in. Everyone has the latest patch? I found this interesting because he's obliged to pick people up who wave him down. Finally, I remember living in one of these. All of these were ShackNews links.


[1:21 AM EST - What's big, and green, and talks?]

I got this link from Dangerman.

Badminton was okay. Actually, it was pretty good. I got to keep practicing that new stroke. I even got some backhand shots in. If I have time to prepare for the shot, I can send it REALLY far. Man, I never thought I could even hit the bird with my backhand! I tend to pull it a bit, so some tinkering is still required..


[10:53 AM EST - Halfway through my subjective life.]

Oh, I forgot to mention that I came across an article in the Star on Sunday about our subjective views on time. I think we all know this, but I didn't realize that someone wrote a paper on it.

Craziness. So if I lived to be a thousand, years would pass by so quickly that I wouldn't even notice when seasons come and go, when wars are fought, and when Halley's comet passes by. Again, and again, and again.

I wonder what the equations look like though.


[11:18 PM EST - The Mighty Tax Return.]

Yay! I've finished filing my tax return. It was pretty painless since I was basically done when I worked on it on Sunday. I should see the dough rolling in in a week's time..

Oh, the team I'll be playing on in the next hockey series is "The Mighty Ducks of Peking". I liked "The Mighty Peking Ducks" better.

Broomball went pretty well. Actually, I think I played the same, except that we actually had some excellant offence and defence. Being in the right place at the right time also helped a lot methinks. Oh yeah, I found my knee pads! They were in the stick bag. Too bad I dug them out after the game. My poor knees! *rubs knees*


[11:50 PM EST - Cool news.]

Hey, for the scientist in me, I found this story on the discovery of blue LEDs and blue laser diodes interesting. Then there's what sounds like the unholy union of Megatron and Optimus Prime into a nifty camera. Both links are from ArsTechnica.

On the ShackNews front, I noticed that Dr. Pepper wants bloggers to sell out, some guy got a huge gas bill, going it alone may ruin your marriage, hacking with Google, IPv6, and free speech on the internet.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:35 EDT

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Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)