Well, it was the last day of work for GoofyBoy today. To celebrate his departure.. er.. I mean his new job, we took him out for lunch. I knew I shouldn't have eaten a lot for breakfast because I knew that we were going to go out for lunch (and dinner) but I stuffed myself anyway, and then I stuffed myself during lunch.
Afterward, ET, AV, and I took GoofyBoy out for dinner. But it was GoofyBoy who paid. Something's not right here. At least I threw in my money for the movie.
Actually, I was surprised to see how much the tickets cost on Tuesday nights. It's $7.65 a pop. Plus tax! Tells you how often I've been out in the theatres recently.
Anyhoo, it was just GoofyBoy and I, so we ditched 'The Hours' idea (since it was starting late) and watched 'Tears of the Sun' to satiate GoofyBoy's thirst for guns, guns, and more guns. The movie was okay, although predictable, and I was looking around in the middle of the movie looking for cute girls. (Actually, one of the cleaners was awfully cute.)
I forgot to mention that since I was stuffed during dinner, I hardly ate anything. ET was ecstatic that she was able to "eat [me] under the table" (her words, not mine!) for once.
Anyway, here's an insurance company. I need a quote.
Is anyone interested in going to my patrol's year end party? It's on April 2nd.