Hey, I'm back and in one piece! Tons of stuff happened this weekend, but it was all good! Many pictures and videos taken. *pats camera* But next time I'll need to get a bigger flash card. Sixteen megabytes just doesn't cut it these days. (Bringing the laptop helped though.)
Since the new car was in the driveway and the keys were in the stairwell, I decided to take the Corolla to work today. Ho boy, I'm so glad there was no traffic on the roads because I kept reving up the engine, and jerking the car, and I shook the car so much that the window handle fell off. But I got in and no worse for wear. Probably because most cars gave me wide berth.
Anyway, I've got a lot of work to catch up on. *sigh*
I got this link from girl.
Well, I've seen the Terry Tate video, but CJF sent be it and a continuation..