Well, the NHL playoffs have started and teams have been picked for the first CAHL spring series. I'll be playing with the Asian Dragon Slayers. Oh boy.
Ugh, I found out on the ShackNews that Sony patented "Shock and Awe". Good lord! Actually, more interesting was the new Matrix trailer which doesn't seem to run at full speed on my computer.
Also, I heard about this on the news this morning although the link is from ArsTechnica. The closest I ever got to a Concorde was at Columbus, Ohio a few years back where one was at the airport.
Now that I'm feeling more confident driving stick, I've been trying to get other people to drive my car. Dangerman tried it out tonight and I even got Laz into the driver's seat (he did fairly well for a first time). I think I pulled off the knob on the gear shift, so I'll need to get that fixed (as well as the window handle, the passenger hand hold, driver door light sensor, dash lights, right reflector, left rear suspension, rear tires.. ah, whatever).