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[10:24 AM EDT - I need my bed.]

Crap. I was stumbling around my room avoiding all of the obstacles on the ground to turn off my alarm and I whacked my knee on the side of the bed. Put all my weight behind it too. Too bad the bed won. *winces*

So now I have trouble bending my knee and there's no way I'm putting pressure on it. Hopefully I'll be okay by tomorrow because playing with a whacked knee isn't high on my priority list..


[10:29 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: Wet banks.]

I remember a little bit of last night's dream. I was outside of a bank, and for some reason, I released a couple of self guided bombs into the underground sewers under the bank. After the second one went off, I went into the bank to get in line. KB was in front of me and there were large puddles of water all over the linoleum floor. I tried avoiding the puddles but to no avail.


[10:44 AM EDT - Pencil this in.]

Before I forget, there's a dinner thing for PP after hockey next Friday, a possible dinner with the Vermont crew next Wednesday, and MJ possibly on Sunday.

One thing I didn't mention on Tuesday was that after I got my lunch, I looked for a place to put my iced tea. I found none. There were no cup holders in the car! Argh! I guess cup holders are a 90's invention. That or someone ran off with it. In any case, I'll have to find a secure place to place my drinks..

After reading those Asimov books, I got to thinking.. although our society is striving to attain utopia, we should never achieve it lest it destroy us.


[11:04 AM EDT - Sum knowledge.]

I had a flash a couple of days ago and dreampt of seeing Madelaine talking with me, except that I was already gone. She was having a conversation with this site by posing questions and looking it up with the search engine to determine what my answer would've been. This got me thinking: If we are but the sum of our knowledge and experience, by placing all of this knowledge in some digital archive, then would we have made a personality clone of ourselves. Could we "live" beyond the grave? Sure, we won't be growing anymore, but those who talk.. well, communicate with these digital avatars would hardly see a difference could they? At least in the sense that this is what they were when the archive was created.


[12:18 PM EDT - Looking for parts.]

I'm thinking of going to the junkyard on Sunday. Anyone want to come along?


[2:45 PM EDT - A leafy rumour.]

Time to get the rumour mill grinding! Well, no. I'm not sure how much salt you want to take with the rumour that came across my inbox, but it has something to do with Corson and Mogilny's wife. But as I said before, it's just a rumour.

For those of you not interested in the Leafs, you can ignore the above rumour.


[9:37 PM EDT - Leaky rims. Greasy pins.]

I got home really late from work today. Over two hours late. Ugh. Actually, the good thing was that I finally got the system back up and running, but for a few hours there, I was basically on the verge of giving up. Phew! I guess this is what happens when you keep hacking away..

I got out to the car and was shocked to see that my front right tire looked flat. Very flat. I was dismayed that the rims leaked so badly since I doubt the tires would've been that faulty right? *thinks* Maybe I should take them in anyway..

In any case, I drove to the closest gas station to pump up the tires. I found the air pump and proceeded to attach the hose. The pressure gauge didn't move and there was a lot of air coming out of the tire. No matter how hard I pressed in, I couldn't seem to make a good seal with the hose. After trying to fill up three of my tires and succeeding in deflating them more, I gave up and drove to the next gas station and pumped my tires there. One of my tires still looks flat even though it's nearly maxed. *shrugs* I'll check it again tomorrow.

I finally greased my watch pins. They've been falling out of my watch regularly for the past several months and I'm always on the verge of losing those pesky pins. I think a little WD-40 will do the trick.. *squirts on goop*


[9:46 PM EDT - News Bytes: One of the two boys.]

Wow, I found this a little surprising. Mind you, with the proliferation of internet technology and availability of this stuff over the past decade, I'm not all too surprised.

Oh, and here's something about the chemicals we use.


[11:14 PM EDT - So Cut shirts.]

The shirt design for So Cut is now up. The following shirts are offered: Cotton, Baseball, and Soccer.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:38 EDT

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