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[12:46 AM EDT - Five centimeters.]

I just did some calculations (with some help from here) and found out that I'd be adding five centimeters to the tire diameter if I put on the other set of tires. *thinks* That's an inch closer to the wheel well. I think it will still fit. The question is whether I still want to put it in or not (remember that I'd be making it a centimeter wider as well). I'd also end up raising the car by an inch, so the ride will be a bit smoother, but I won't have as good a feel of the road. *looks at car* Considering that it's about to fall apart, maybe a smoother ride isn't a bad idea.

This site has some interesting information.


[Sunday, April 20, 2003: A long Saturday.]

I got up early so that we could go down to a mechanic to see if we could swap the tires from the Cavalier to the Corolla. We ended up getting down there around nine, and the guy came out and told us that the tires were too big to fit in my car. I figured as much. Oh well, at least I got a professional opinion.

Since I was out, I decided to go and get a hair cut before I headed downtown to play ultimate. I've got a clean new buzz cut that should be ubereasy to dry now.

I got downtown without a hitch and saw that there were about eight people playing ultimate (I was an hour late). I was half expecting more people to show up (since it was the first practice of the season), but it was early in the morning and it was downtown. Considering that most of the people I play with either don't get up early or don't live downtown, I shouldn't have been that surprised.

At least I got to see some people I haven't seen in a while (especially the cute cushy one). I hung around for over an hour before heading back up town to eat some food and then go tutoring. This session was actually better than usual. The kid actually knew what he was doing! (Well, mostly.) It was quite encouraging.

Afterward, I went back home to rest up and head out to play roller hockey. We had a moderate turnout, but we didn't have any real goalies. I think that will be our biggest problem this year. I'll have to see if I can find anybody willing to play in net..

At least it was good to see all these folks after so many months. It's amazing how many people you recognize after a half-year hiatus.

After three hours of roller hockey, I headed back home to chow down on a bit of food before heading out to play ice hockey. We were playing in a new arena with some new players, and it was pretty fun to watch some of them play. It was more entertaining to see some of our weaker players kick some serious butt! I go away for two weeks and these guys have improved so much! Scary.

Finally, we headed out for some grub before I stumbled back home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:54 EDT

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