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[1:00 AM EST - Party survivor.]

Wow, I made it back in one piece! The car held together pretty good on the trip, so I'm glad I was able to get there and make it back in one piece!

I wasn't able to pick up the ownership information for the car, so I'll have to do that tomorrow, but I did make it to the Patrol party tonight. There were a lot more people there than I had anticipated! I'd say around thirty people showed up to the event, which was pretty good considering that I was guessing that only twenty people would be participating.

I brought my skis up and handed them over to KB for transport, and.. that's about it. Lots of pictures were taken, many people were talked to, and plenty of drinks and food were consumed.

I didn't do that much talking or eating actually despite the fact that food was paid for. I think I inhaled way too much engine coolant on the way to the city, so I wasn't feeling all that well. It made eating and conversing somewhat difficult.


[Wednesday, April 9, 2003: Dream Sequence: Car Colonel.]

I heard on the radio that Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend, so we'll be losing an hour on Saturday. (Well, Sunday morning.)

We've got a winter storm warning as well today. Great, the day we decide to go on a trip to Vermont. Hopefully it won't be too bad a drive.

I still remember parts of last night's dream. I remember seeing Dangerman showing up at the house one day dressed up in some sort of military uniform cackling evilly for having infultrated the family and stealing all of our passwords. I was given a piece of paper that looked like a ticket with large words written on it:

"Get into car."

So I went outside and was about to step into the waiting limosine when I remembered that they can't do anything to you while you were still in the house so I quickly snuck back inside. While I was there, I saw Dangerman on one of our computers downloading all of our information..

I was going to register the car today, so I went by HW's place to pick up the papers and went to the ministry to get the car registered. When I arrived, I handed the lady the information and she told me that the back of the owner's certificate needed to be signed by the previous owner. *looks at slip* Doh! The bill of sale wasn't signed either. I wasn't going to be faking the signature right in front of her, so I decided to go. She then asked me if I had a Used Vehicle Information Package and I told her that I didn't.

While I was filling out the application form for the Used Vehicle Information Package, some Chinese guy came up to me and asked me in Cantonese,

"Do you know Chinese?"

To which I basically said no, so he asked in Cantonese,

"Do you know English?"

Apparently this guy was really in dire straits language-wise, so I decided to try helping him out. He showed me the form he was filling out and all of the forms that he had on hand so I was able to piece together what sort of things he needed to fill in. Then one thing that I couldn't translate was the odometer reading. Eventually, I just asked him for "milage" and fortunately he understood what I was asking for. Whew! My good deed for the day done!

Anyway, I got my Used Vehicle Information Package and I'll need to get that signed. *sigh* I went back to HW's place to drop off the paperwork and went back to work.


[Wednesday, April 9, 2003: Storm Trip.]

It was starting to get late (around four-thirty) and I was getting worried that things were getting late, so I called up JM to ask her when she was picking me up, and she told me that TB was going to be at my house momentarily. Uhh.. I was still at the office, so I quickly packed up and headed home. Too bad it started to rain ice and the streets were snarled with traffic. It took twice as long for me to get back home.

We went down to pick up JM and headed out of the city. The bad weather coupled with rush hour traffic meant that traffic was moving at a crawl. It took us a couple of hours to get out of the city. The ride out was pretty bad. It was raining/sleeting/snowing by the time we stopped off for dinner. We stopped off at McDonald's for dinner and one of the girls there told us that there was a serious accident on the highway and that it was closed off. Doh!

When we left the restaurant, we passed by a accident that had been pushed off to the side of the road, so we thought things were going good, but the highway was closed off and we had to take a detour at Shanley Road. The detour wasn't as bad as I thought it would've been, and by then it had stopped snowing. We had outrun the storm.

We crossed the border and customs came out to talk with us. The guy asked us where we were going and TB told them that we were going to Killington to go skiing. I decided not to say anything at that point, so the guy continued questioning us.

"So you guys are going to Smuggler's Notch?"

To which TB agreed. Then he asked,

"Didn't you say you were going to Killington?"

Doh! Apparently they remembered the other guys who went ahead of us who were also going to Smuggler's Notch. Anyway, they had a good laugh and let us cross.

We didn't have too many problems except for the time we kept missing turns:

"Oh, we should've turned here.."


"Oh, we're supposed to go the other way.."

But I slept through most of it. (Although one time that we went the wrong way, I caught it fairly quickly.) At least we got in in one piece.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:37:27 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)