Since I had so much free time all of a sudden, I decided to make some double chocolate muffins from a mix that I got a number of years back (when I was still in Waterloo). I never got around to using the mix because I've been busy, but this stuff's dry so it's good for a long time. (Besides, I've eaten food much older than that.)
The muffins came out okay. It's sort of like the mass produced chocolate with chocolate chip muffins you find at the Price Club. Although they're much smaller. I've already gone through a third of them! *swallows another muffin*
The hockey game went pretty well. I didn't get any points, but hey, we still won the game and the series too.
I remember bits of last night's dream. I was staying at a large house - it was more like a mansion actually - and in the room where I was planning to sleep in, there was this huge air cleaner. (Like the old one that we have.) For some reason there was a lot of dirt under it and I brought it to someone's attention before wandering around the house. There was someone I knew who was living in one of the rooms and when I went into the library to sit, she came in and started to sing.
I should have something seperate for dreams. It would make it so easy to sift through them all. (Sort of like what NVM does.)
It's time to get my tax return ready. We'll be using this to help us along.
I'm planning on scanning in some photos over the next couple of weeks. I'm just about finished developing all of my film (I'm picking up my last roll tomorrow) so all I have to do is pick out the pictures I want to keep, then pick the pictures I want to scan. I also have to take some from my dad's pile since some of them were pretty good. (Like the barge.) I've got a lot of pictures to go through though, so it'll take some time..
I just got back from watching "Catch Me If You Can". It's actually quite entertaining. I wasn't originally interested in the premise, but it's basically like a movie version of "The Pretender".
I foresee a busy week ahead, if I end up doing all the stuff I want to do. *rubs chin* Oh boy.