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[10:18 AM EST - Canada's changing economy.]

There was a story that Dangerman told last night that I had forgotten about until now. In his history class, they were talking about Canada's early economy and how it changed from fur based trading to timber. There was a picture from a book showing some guy.. uh.. trading wood for fur. (I think, my recollection of the story is pretty poor.) The teacher asked the significance of this picture, and one of the students responded,

"Il est gai."

Which evoked some confusion so the student elaborated,

"Well, he's trading the beaver for the wood."

Heh. Ain't it great to be Canadian, eh?


[10:32 AM EST - Bread?]

girl had the foresight to clear off her car last night before the snow froze on her. I, being lazy, decided that I could leave it until this morning. Well, I left it until this morning and the snow had definitely turned to ice. But since the weather had turned so cold, the ice was rock solid and nigh-impossible to remove from the windows. Argh!

I had a couple of notes about stuff the day before that I wanted to talk about but one of the entries puzzled me since I can't remember what it means. (This is what happens when you leave things till later.)

During badminton that night, a couple of kids from some regulars came out to play. After we had finished, the really good girl (I should see if I can find out her name, I have forgotten) pointed to one of the girls (the oldest one) and asked me,

"Is that your daughter?"

I must've had such a shocked look on me that she realized how far off the truth that statement was. I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not, but as I just stood there and stared for a couple of moments, the girl pointed to her mom and said,

"That's my mom."

So the conversation continued.

Those of you astute enough will notice that the second statement didn't contridict the first statement, but come on! I'd have to be.. close to illegal if I had a kid that age! Do I look THAT old?


[11:08 AM EST - Dream Sequence: Bread!]

Ah ha! It came to me while I was on the can.

What? Don't profound thoughts come to you as well on the can? You should've heard the first line for my defence,

"I was on the can this morning.."

Okay, so that is NOT how you're supposed to open your defence.

Anyway, whenever I eat oatmeal, I like adding some brown sugar to it. Since I haven't been using the brown sugar a lot, it had all dried out and turned into one large rock of sugar. Getting anything out is difficult and requires a lot of elbow grease and spoon scraping. I had ideas in my head to waft steam into the jar to loosen the sugar, or to make a portable steam device to prevent this incident from happening, but nothing came to fruition. Yesterday morning, I found a piece of bread in the sugar jar. I found that a little odd, but when I opened the jar I noticed the sugar granules were all loose! It's a miracle! I guess my mom put it in there after seeing me scraping away for a few grains of sugar the past week. Man, had I known (or remembered) many sore arms and bent spoons from previous years would've been avoided.

While I'm here, I remember bits from last night's dream. I remember one part where I was moving a group of little people across a dangerous water type setting with a single path choked full of monsters. Apparently there was also a hidden path, but the path was the same colour as the water so it was difficult to find. There was also some sort of fog of war so I couldn't see anywhere in front of me even though I was flying around. Eventually, we crossed this water thing and ended up in a small area where there were a number of plants. It looked like some sort of puzzle, and one of the plants, if you touched it, would let go of whatever it had in it's mouth and then take a piece off the closest plant, object, me. Well, one tried taking out my knee.


[4:45 PM EST - Where were you when..]

Yowzers! I went out to pick up lunch today. On the way out, the weather was clear. It was a little overcast, but nothing bad. When I got to the restaurant I noticed that it got very grey and it had started to snow. When I got out, I noticed that the skies had gone white and there was snow EVERYWHERE. Welcome to a squall. Driving in this weather was very dangerous, but disturbingly fun. Not being able to see more than a few meters ahead, and careening down the streets. It's like a game or something. Okay, I'm kidding, I wasn't careening down the streets, but I did feel the urge to drive like a maniac just to see what it was like. I eventually made it back to the office in one piece. Had this squall hit during rush hour, I don't think anyone would've been able to get home tonight. *looks outside* It's clear again. I guess I have to patrol tonight.

Oh, I've been thinking of some interesting events in the past couple of decades: The fall of the WTC, Princess Diana's death, the Challenger explosion. I actually remember where I was when I heard the news.

Can you remember where you guys were? Do you have any other events that have stuck in your memory?


[11:49 PM EST - Waxed and unscraped.]

Ugh, not scraping my skis was a mistake. Using the wrong wax was also a mistake (it was colder tonight than I thought it would get). I ended up sticking to the snow most of the night, and had to push myself down the softer pitches.

Anyhoo, the night went by fairly quickly. I spent some time helping NM learn how to ski. I also started getting back into the groove myself. Good old short rads..

While I was driving back from lunch detail this afternoon, something funny happened. Every few seconds, a chunk of ice would fly from the front of the car and strike the windshield. I had no idea how something like that would happen, but it was freaky. After I had stopped the car, I realized what had happened. The snow on the hood had melted and refroze to create a sheet of ice. The next time I warmed up the car, it melted the underside of the ice sheet, and because of the shape of the hood, it moved towards the front of the car. As the sheet of ice began to protrude over the front edge, the wind (from driving) would snap off a piece of ice and fling it at the windshield. Cool huh?

Ah shoot, I forgot my gloves at the hut. I'll have to go back tomorrow and pick them up before someone nabs them.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:31:33 EDT

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Aaron McGruder (From The Quotations Page.)