Well, now that Internet Explorer's gone AWOL, some of my other programs are now acting up. MSN Messenger went crazy when I reinstalled it and keeps crashing after I log in, I can't install Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, and I'm no closer to figuring what's causing these crashes. Oh, I've got lots of error logs, but it's all hex to me. I've been trying to uninstall things one at a time, but I think I already got rid of all the stuff I put on after the system started acting up, so whatever I threw on is still on.
Actually, has anyone come across a situation where a media file being played in Media Player opens up Internet Exporer? I found that.. disturbing. (It was soon after that happened when my system went wonky.) The file's gone now so I can't tell what format it was, although it was labeled as an MPEG.
Whee! I don't have to patrol tonight! Now ain't that a Merry Christmas?
Anyhoo, I'm still a little sick, although it is getting better. Hopefully I'll be at a hundred percent when I have to hit the slopes on Saturday.
I've never heard of the Santa Claus effect before. Well, not in as many words that is.
Also, it seems like Disney's dinosaur is going for a walk in the park.
More and more of my programs are succumbing to this nefarious undocumented feature. Money 2002 doesn't seem to like connecting to the internet now. Hmm, it's very strange that all of my Microsoft applications that require internet access keep going tits up on me.
Oh well, I don't have time to dwell on that tonight, I'll probably be out.
Well, got back from dinner and I just found out that the cough syrup I took a few days ago had already expired in August 1994. Nineteen ninety-four! Oh boy.
So let's go through a rundown of stuff I got. Hmm, I got a DVD set for "Back to the Future", Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, and a whole bunch of movie and HMV gift certificates. I guess I'll be hitting the theatres next year. Hmm, that might require me finding someone to go with.. *rubs chin*
Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 20:35:45 (UTC)
I know you can embed URLs in Windows Media Files, and if you get a WMF with the extention changed to MPG, it will still play, as the windows media player can play both file types, and doesn't care about the extension.