It had occured to me that Avril was a fairly unique name, but after I had mulled around with that notion for a while, I remembered that she was from Napanee and Lavigne sounded French. *smacks head* Avril in French is April! Of course! It doesn't seem so unique after all!
It's just Anglicizing these French names that make them sound unique (or silly). Avril Lavigne becomes April Levine or something to that effect.
Anyhoo, I forgot to mention that I finished off Vandread: Second Stage when I got back from my trip. The CGI definitely improved as the series progressed. I can see anime using CGI more and more often (as with Macross Plus, Initial D, and Vandread). What does this mean for the animators used to doing everything by hand?
I'm supposed to be going to the airport tonight to pick up the parental units. Remind me because I know I'll forget.
Is it me, or is this really cheap? I got the link from the ShackNews.
I got some more links from the ShackNews. The first is on German Lesbians and listing a brothel. Anyone interested in buying an Impreza or an Evo VII? They're coming. Some drugs, and more drugs.
Ooh, and there's Froogle. It's still beta though.