Holy crap, I don't think we've had a single ray of sunshine since we set foot here on the mainland. Apparently this is some sort of anomaly since usually it's not this bad at this time of the year. (It usually gets quite cold and dry actually.)
Ah well, apparently the humidity's good for my skin. At least that's what my mom tells me.
I've got a little time to kill before I had to go out for lunch so I'm going to be doing a bit of updating while I can.
Crap. I'm trying to figure out names and such for places and cities here, but because most of the English translations use the Mandarin dialect, they don't match with the Cantonese translation! Argh! This is very VERY annoying.
Before I continue with the updates, I want to mention something. I remember having a conversation with BY about some of the strange English idioms. One was that someone who makes food is not a "cooker", but a "cook". So you don't say that "your mom is a good cooker", you say that "your mom is a good cook". It's no wonder why so many people have trouble with English.
Also, a good point she came up with was that there is difficult for most people in China to learn English without an accent because most of the teachers have an accent! I found that funny, but it's true isn't it?
Well not really, but it did get brighter and it did stop raining for a little bit this afternoon. We're heading back to Hong Kong tomorrow it seems, so I should get packed and make sure I left everything I should've left here.
I really can't remember what I did today apart from stay at the house to read and sleep (and update the website). We went to my grandpa's place for dinner, and RY dropped by to hand me a present to pass on to girl.
After dinner, DL gave me a ride on his scooter and showed me around the city. The rain actually stopped and the skies began to clear, so it was a perfect time to go around and visit the sites of the city. Well, there wasn't that much to see, but it was nice to actually go out and see stuff. We also picked up some cheap software which I found out later was mostly in Chinese so basically useless. Ah well, it was fun looking around.
After we came back, RY and her dad dropped by for a surprise visit. I was given a few postcards and some brochures which he had worked on (some nice pictures on there) and he also showed me some of his photos that he had posted on the net.
I ended up talking with RY a bit and she gave me a small bright red fruit and asked me.
"Do you want this tomato?"
Keeping in mind Laz's tomato story, I took the tomato and popped it into my mouth. Wow! It WAS a tomato! Apparently she got it from a friend and gave it to me (for no apparent reason). There are no traditions related with giving people small tomatos right? Right?!?