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[6:00 PM EST - Need to catch up.]

Ugh, I've been falling behind on e-mail, updates, and other stuff now. Been too busy with too much stuff. Oh geez, I still have to pack too. *sigh*

Anyhoo, let's see what's been going on out there.


[6:03 PM EST - Can people function without a waist?]

Eww, I got this link from someone a few days ago.


[9:09 PM EST - Ultimate snow.]

I got up late this morning for the game, and I looked outside to see that it was STILL snowing. Dear lord! We had about ten centimeters on the ground. I figured that people would play if there was snow on the ground, but I wasn't sure if anyone would show up if it was still snowing. I decided to forego NWN and continued to ultimate.

I arrived without any problems, but I got to the parking lot and it looked rather empty. I called up LY and asked him if there was still a game on, and he told me that the whole team was going to show up. So.. I decided to trudge through the snow covered hills (in my shoes)to go down to the field and check it out. I figured that it wouldn't hurt just to check it out right? I got to the first field, and saw crowds of kids on the slopes, enjoying the first real snowfall with their toboggans and sleds. A bit of searching and I noticed that there were people playing ultimate on one of the flat areas of the field. (In amongst the throngs of children.) I saw that there were actually two teams down there, but I didn't recognize either of them. I checked with one of the players and found out that my team wasn't there, so I trudged up the snow covered path to check on the other field. When I got there, I saw more people playing ultimate, and was a little relieved when I saw that the disc they were playing with was a ninjastars disc. But when I got closer, I didn't recognize any of the players. So I talked with some of the people off the field and they told me that neither team was my team. Grr!

Could I have misread the time of the game? We had back-to-back games, but there were three time slots. Noon, one-thirty, and three. I thought the games started at noon..

Then it hit me, I had looked at the schedule before and was planning on playing NWN before heading out to play ultimate today! *smacks head*

So what was I going to do for an hour then? Stand around in the snow and turn into Frosty? So I did what I would normall have done, I joined in the game. One of the teams was short players (only five showed up) so I pleyed for them. The game was very good. All of the players were good. They could all throw, they could all catch, and they could run. Without subs, and playing against (and with) good players, I ran myself ragged! There were layouts left, right and centre! Diving was the name of the game. Well, Ultimate was the name of the game, but diving was the object of the game. Well, catching the disc in the opposing end zone was the object of the game, but diving was.. whatever.

It's too bad nobody brought a camera. There were some spectacular catches now that nobody was worried about getting hurt diving for the disc. We lost, but it was a very close game.

Eventually, the rest of my team showed up, although only six people in total came out. Considering that I just had a long, tiring game, I was worried that I might just collapse in the middle of my second game. We were.. crushed to put it bluntly. We made up for it with the fact that CC brought some mint hot chocolate and ASH also brought hot chocolate. There were also chocolate chip cookies for us to munch on as well.

The second. Well, my third game went better, since we had some of the team we played in the second game play with us. We played well, but I felt something pop in my left calf. I got off, and realized that I might've pulled my calf muscle. Sucky. When I tried to run, I could only limp. Very sucky. This may mean that I won't be able to play badminton or broomball this week. Very VERY sucky. Fortunately, I'm going away for a couple of weeks so I wouldn't have been playing anyway. Still sucky.

Oh well. The snow, which had been falling all day, was still piling up everywhere, and by the third game, I was tired, my leg was sore, and my feet were went and freezing. Since I couldn't run around after I pulled that muscle, I got very cold very quickly.

I still have all my toes though. *wiggles toes*


[9:16 PM EST - Tiny Ninja Theatre.]

I got this link from ASH.


[9:40 PM EST - Black Léon.]

Actually, I've been watching more of "Noir" and it's much more like "Léon".


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:32:49 EDT

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