Well, it's a nice day out there. I haven't seen sun in quite some time. I was told by ET to start reading some Guy Gavriel Kay books. Anyone read his work before?
I got this link from KW. I'll check it out later.
Heh, those American Army guys are still working on LASERs. It seems like they got one to work! (Another article here.) Both ArsTechnica and the ShackNews had links.
While I'm here, I'm going to link to ArsTechnica articles. The first is securing your wireless LAN and the second is about bandwith and latency.
Aie. Wow, I was surprised that one of the ones I missed was a man. *takes closer look* Scary. Anyway, my score was 11/16. Did anyone fare better?
I went out for lunch by myself today, and after I had gotten back to the office, I made note of the song that was on the radio since it's been playing a lot recently. As I left work this afternoon, the radio came on, and it was if I hadn't left the car! That song was playing again! Craziness. I think it's being a tad overplayed.
Badminton went fairly well, although most of my shots were off. I just couldn't get the bird in the court. I also tried to get a hair cut this evening, but I got out of badminton too late. Ah well, there's always Friday.
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 03:00:52 (UTC)
Hey QYV, i tried to read The Fionavar Tapestry and I had to fling it across the room. Yeah yeah it starts in Toronto and everything, but I couldn't stand the crappy writing. I really wanted to like that writer, but the dialog near the beginning is really wooden. Also, he juxtaposes the "real" world with the "fantasy" world -- and fantasy names -- right in the beginning chapters, and my suspension of disbelief just crashed to the floor.
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 14:54:47 (UTC)
I really enjoyed his work. And hes very Toronto-centric.
A Concerned Citizen
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 23:38:13 (UTC)
Well I'm confused -- is GGK the same person as Robert J. Sawyer?
Or.. is CC saying that they might as well be the same? *scratches head*
Lazarius <e-mail>
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 00:48:00 (UTC)
well i had to fling the book too, but only because it was too sexy and i was in grade 7. no really, i have the right book!!
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 04:01:43 (UTC)
AFAIK, Robert J Sawyer lives in Kitchener, yet, his bio is too ashamed to mention it:
"He was born in Ottawa in 1960, and now lives just west of Toronto with his wife, poet Carolyn Clink."
Well maybe he's ashamed to be living in Brampton. *laugh*