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[12:28 AM EDT - I was looking for this..]

I suddenly had a need to find out what number I was during the World Broomball Championships in 2000. It took me the longest time to find this site. Well, I guess I was number 6. Funny enough, my number is 6 for broomball this season! Maybe I'll keep 6 for my hockey jersey as well?


[11:45 AM EDT - When it rains..]

Oh boy, this will have to be quick. I'm currently swamped with calls, but I found this message on the server:

Love must kiss that mortal's eyes
Who hopes to see fair Arcady.
No gold can buy you entrance there;
But beggared Love may go all bare
No wisdom won with weariness;
But Love goes in with Folly's dress
No fame that wit could ever win;
But only Love may lead Love in.

Henry Cuyler Bunner (1855 - 1896)

There was also a link to here for some reason.


[Sunday, October 27, 2002: I'm not going to get fried chicken.]

It was crazy this morning when I got to work. There were already two calls for me, and as I was getting set up, another call came in. I was deluged with calls from then until way past noon. By then I had enough time for a breather until the next wave of calls. Holy crap! It's like everyone knew that I was going out of town for the next couple of days.

The drive to the airport was uneventful, although I did end up delaying my depature from the office because I wanted to print out a map to the hotel. When I arrived at the airport, I went into my bag to get my reservation information. Uh oh. I couldn't find the sheets. Uh oh. I left all of my registration information at the office! When I was printing out the map, I must've left everything at my desk (including the map)! How silly of me.

Fortunately, I was able to find out the numbers by calling into the office, and everything should be in my name so if there are any issues, it shouldn't be because they couldn't find the reservation. Well, not saying that it couldn't happen, but it wouldn't be my fault.

I was able to get my ticket and went to customs.. Oh dear. The custom's lineup was HUGE! This was what I had feared the other times I came this way, but both times I was lucky and there were only a few people in line at that time. This time there were five rows of people and I was starting to cut it close. I got in line and looked at the time. Quarter after five. I timed how long it took for me to clear one row. Five minutes. Hmm, at five a pop, I had plenty of time to get through security and make my flight.

As I stood in line, this Chinese girl came in a row behind and she's got a striking resemblence to that hip-hop girl except that her hair was died auburn. I forgot that girl's name unfortunately. I did notice one thing though, her jeans were so tight, that the back pockets literally wrapped around her butt so that either anything that was put into the pocket would turn into a bananna when it came out, or she'd have a flat ass afterward.

As I approached the end of the line, I noticed that the pace was slowing down. Looking ahead, I saw that a number of the cubicles were empty and that we were down to a bit over half of the customs agents as we started off with. This wasn't good. On top of that, a number of people in line were ushered to the front because they were part of an earlier flight and would've missed it otherwise. This meant that my original estimate of twenty-five minutes for the wait at customs would be a little short. I wasn't really worried, since my flight leaves at six-thirty. *looks at ticket* Six-ten.

<- looks at ticket again.

Six-ten. *looks at time* Quarter to six, and I was still in line for customs. Great. Maybe I should start worrying.

Well, there wasn't much I could do but wait in line and stare at that cute Chinese girl. My time came eventually, and I quickly passed through customs and security. I was surprised that I was told to leave the laptop in the bag. The last couple of times I travelled, I was told to take it out. *shrugs* When I made it to the gate, it was around six. Unfortunately, the gate I went to is in fact a bus terminal so that I could be bussed to the real gate that was not connected to the terminal. Yay. Fortunately, I saw a number of people who were trying to rush past me. This was a good sign. If one person was late for a flight, they don't care as much. If there's more than a handful of people that's going to be late, they might hold it up a few minutes. I relaxed and took it easy.

I boarded the bus with a bunch of other people who were also on the same flight and I knew that everything was going to be alright. Time to take a nap.


[Sunday, October 27, 2002: Smokey car.]

Wow, these orange juice cans are so cute! It's only enough for a single mouthful, but they're still cute.

You know, I rarely ever notice these little things when I'm busy. I'm too busy to notice. Or at least if I'm not too busy to notice, I'm too busy to remember. There's too much going on that I can't waste resources to remember every minute little detail. Last weekend for example had so much stuff going on that I only wrote about ten percent of the interesting events. The other 90% (Like that crazy tumbling guy, or the funny word game words, or the rock climbing videos) is gone into the ether. It's rather annoying actually. When I finally have stuff to write about, I'm too busy to write about it, and when I have the time to write, I don't have anything to write about! Curses! *shakes fist*

The plane trip was pretty uneventful. Actually, the entire process from airport to hotel was pretty uneventful as well. I ended up picking up a brown Pontiac Sunfire. It smelled like smoke, but the other cars weren't particularly appealing either. (Besides, I was tired and just wanted to make it to the hotel.) Amazingly enough, I remembered the way back to the hotel even at night. Not much else to talk about, except that the waitress put a lot of salt on the napkin before putting my drink on it. Why was that?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:08 EDT

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Peter De Vries (From The Quotations Page.)