Hmm, I haven't been writing much as there hasn't really been much to write about. Well, maybe there has, but I've been too lazy/busy to write about it.
In any case, I stopped off to play badminton for less than an hour. Just enough to work up a good sweat. I then proceeded to pick up my vaccine before heading to the doctor's office to get the injection. I ended up waiting for quite some time so I spent most of that reading a baby rearing mag.
It was actually quite interesting. Mind you, I really don't need to know anything about breast feeding a baby, or learning how to bond with an infant quite yet, but scarily enough, I found it very interesting. *looks around* What?
Anyhoo, back to my normal literature. I found a couple of interesting articles on ArsTechnica. The first is about some not-so-out-there technologies that could be used to improve fuel effiencies on ICE cars. The second is more proof that we've got a singularity in the middle of the Milky Way.
While I'm here, I'll throw up this link on Kramnik vs Fritz. I haven't played chess in a long time, but Kramnik's attack reminded me of a game I played against someone from Cedebrae. I think the one used on me was the Fried Liver attack..
<- looks it up.
Hmm, close. But I was able to get out of it amazingly. I should dig up the game sometime and find out what the heck happened.
Oh, and something from the ShackNews: If Canada goes to pot, the Americans will stop trading with us.
I don't think it's the 15th either. *looks at watch* Either something funny happened on the way to work, or I was seeing things this morning. I guess the latter is more likely since I can't actually see in the morning.
Oh well. *readjusts watch* At least I can time pulses.
Let's see, I seem like I'm forgetting something. There's always too much to do it seems.