So the work piles up when I'm away. I'm a little worried about what might happen when I come back from China.
By the time I get through these issues it'll probably be time for lunch! (My lunch, which is around three.)
Ah well, being busy is better than being bored right?
I came across a Neverwinter Nights update at the ShackNews, which led me to new mods, which led me to the Penultima sequel. I just started trying it out last night and so far it's pretty good. It keeps the tradition of making fun of any common sci-fi or anime references. (I expecially liked seeing the One Ring, the Sword of Omens, and the Daikatana.)
It's definitely a good module to play.
I decided to eat locally today. I wasn't in the mood for driving (especially with this icky weather) but going out for a walk seemed good. (It's mild but not wet so it's okay.) I saw one of their specials: Bacon cheeseburger with fries and pop for a bit under five bucks. Hmm, I figured I was in the mood for a burger, so I ordered the special. While I was waiting around for my food to be prepared, I saw yet another special up on the board: Cheeseburger with fries and pop for just under four dollars. *looks at special* What the.. it cost me a dollar for bacon?!? *shakes fist* I guess I should pay closer attention next time.
girl brought this to my attention, and I think I know this guy.
Erk, I wanted to go to bed early tonight, but.. *looks at clock* I doubt that will be happening.
Anyway, I found this link from the shack interesting. a 93% tax? There goes those late night French movies on Showcase..
Friday, October 11, 2002 at 17:10:46 (UTC)
When you go to China you've got to get me one of these posters.
A Concerned Citizen
Friday, October 11, 2002 at 20:41:49 (UTC)
Heh. The sheer mass of Mao paraphenalia is astounding. You can not only buy Mao's little red book in an assortment of languages but a Mao watch, a Mao clock, Mao paintings, an army cap, etc. Heck, you could even see da man himself at the "Maosoleum".
(Wish I had time to pay my respects....)
The Grinning Reaper