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[8:28 PM EDT - In your face!]

Ah ha! I've gotten my time down on the java Set game to 3:06! Take that!

Heck, I can't even remember the guy's name. Whew, I guess I can take it easy for a while again.


[9:07 PM EDT - Some ninja news.]

Hey, I found this interesting. Watch who you throw obscenities at. Here's something on warping wings for flight, and plastic money.

Oh hey, New York just passed a law to prevent people from getting fat. How do you like them apples?

All of these links were from the ShackNews.

[1 Comment]

[9:54 PM EDT - Dream Sequence: Cable's down (yet again).]

Man, the cable went down this morning when I was eating breakfast. I wasn't sure if it would take down the modem as well, but when I went up to check on it, the cable light was on. Then it went out.


On the way to work, I saw a van parked next to the cable box on the street and realzied what the cause for the outage was. Oh boy, they better get it up soon or I'll have a lot to rewrite..

Man, the house still smells like skunk.

Something happened yesterday that made the entire house and neighborhood smell like skunk. I'm not sure if someone surprised one in their back yard, or if someone ran one over (I didn't see any carcasses this morning), or if one spontaneously exploded in our living room. In any case, the house stunk. The smell sort of disappeared as the day wore on, but this morning it was back with a vengence in the front of the house. Hmm, I hope one didn't get stuck in the dryer or something dumb like that..

I had a couple of strange dreams last night. One of them was very Twilight Zoneish (or Outer Limitsish).

I was in some sort of large house moving furniture and from the basement to the main floor with some other guy who's name I think was Martin (Marvin? Marlen?). Anyhoo, for some reason, the person I was inhabiting (who happened to be a female) wanted to kill the owner of the house. The owner was holding some sort of party, a birthday party I think, and I (well, not I exactly, the person I was inhabiting) wanted to do the dirty work by planting a bomb in the largest computer monitor (19" I think). So as we were moving stuff up, a kid who was helping us move, came down and told us that something broke upstairs. He held in his hand the power cable for a computer device. Martin and I went up and realized that the cable came from the monitor bomb and he started trying to put it back together again (and not make it obvious that it was a bomb). I went back down to continue moving stuff when the guests arrived. People started smoking upstairs while I finished cleaning up the basement. A couple of people (grandparents I think) came down to say "Hi" before heading back upstairs.

I knew that the time was fast approaching so I grabbed a couple of mattresses and headed to the far wall where I had left the other mattresses (which I hadn't moved). I hid myself under them and waited..

The explosion was amazingly quiet and I barely noticed the rubble falling on top of me. After the dust had settled, I found myself in an air pocket surrounded by a lot of (dry) dirt. Well, sand is probably a better description I guess. I didn't have any difficulty breathing despite the amount of debris. I reached out to see how much space I had and came into contact with a human hand. It was still warm. I quickly started to dig my way up and was able to create plateau after plateau on which I would hoist myself. Eventually I made it far enough that I was able to fall backwards into a pool of water. I suddenly had difficulty breathing since the mask I was wearing (I didn't know I was wearing one) got clogged with water.

A female narrator started talking. She said that she had remembered that the house had a backyard pool and said something to the effect of being happy for making it out. I was outside of the body now, a spectator watching her float vertically in the water. Her red dress billowed in the water.

The narration continued.

"I have a confession to make. I knew that I would let Martin die, but he had killed me first.. and destroyed the planet."

Then the view changed. I rose up and was able to see outside of the pool. I saw beyond the edge, a barren wasteland, a veritable inferno with ponds of lava and geysers of molten rock spewing forth from the cracks in the shattered plannet. The camera panned and I realized that the entire landscape was a repeat of this view of hell. The tiny plot of land which the house and pool resided on was the last tiny island of untouched earth. A paradise for the last human being. But it was fake. It was all fake. It was a shelter from the reality which surrounded the house.

In the distance, I could see the sillouhette of a city. It's black towers dotted with firey red lights. The cragly spires stabbed the deep red sky. What sort of demons lived there I did not want to imagine.

Then it hit me. The world, the entire planet, was gone. Destroyed by some unknown force and the last human presence was destroyed by my hands.

I woke up.

Afterward, I found myself as some sort of space fighter pilot who was trying to protect a large mothership from a couple of attack cruisers. One of them had a very large weapon thing which I had to disable. I never did get a chance to take it out because I woke up.


[10:26 PM EDT - Youth is wasted..]

I was asked today if I'd go out with a 21yo. I basically responded with a "depends". Heck, I'd go out with a 16yo if circumstances dictated (and I was very drunk). But I put the possibility of me going out with a 21yo, or a 16yo, or any yo at the same level: miniscule. Just the way I like it.


[10:35 PM EDT - CD holder.]

Oh, before I go. I got a CD holder for holding onto that monitor on Friday. Too bad I don't really listen to CDs. Let's see what sort of software I can stick in here..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:43 EDT

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