Hey, I found out from the ArsTechnica that the US government's allowing a private company to send up satellites and even people up to the moon. Whoa nelly! I wonder how many air miles I'd get from a round trip? (Not like there's much to see up there.)
Oh, also it seems that anti-gaming law down in Greece is unconstitutional. (Or whatever áíôéóõíôáãìáôéêüò means.)
Finally, I've been wondering as to why people who come to this site ask me how I'm doing when everything's basically written down. Well, typed I guess.
Maybe I should have "the story so far" in the corner somewhere so people don't have to sift through all this tripe.
Oh, I forgot to write this down. During my trek to bingo on Friday, I was listening to SC and ended up tuning in when she was saying,
"..so we have it arranged so that one person is always at the head who's doing the blowing, while someone else is doing the pumping."
Well, of COURSE she was talking about CPR, but hey, nothing ever sounds good out of context.