Ooh, this is good. I've basically got caught up on stuff I fell behind in during the weekend. I still have e-mail to respond to, but these are months old. *hangs head* Righto, back to work.
Whoa, there's a link here at ArsTechnica to some article stating that gravity can be affected by electromagnetic forces. Also, if you're interested in knowing your genome, you can get it. For a price. There's the Venter venture, and Solexa.
I went out to lunch this afternoon to a restaurant I hadn't been in a while. I went about two weeks ago and found out that the proprieters were out for vacation. Well, I went back and they were still out on their vacation, until the 24th. Waitaminute, that was today! Argh! I was never good with my timing.
I went to the library today. I wasn't there long since I was waiting for a photo to get developed so I wanted to just sift through the latest Scientific American to see what new discoveries they were touting these days. Well, I went to the magazine racks and.. What the, where's Scientific American?!? I saw stuff like Teen, or Mad, or Maxim, but no Scientific American. Heck they didn't have Discover either! I thought this was a library!
Oh boy, at least they still had Popular Mechanics. Although it's not the same..