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[12:30 AM EDT - Pooped I am.]

Man, all of that standing around was killing my feet..

Anyhoo, that's a story for another time. I'm going to sleep soon.


[1:20 AM EDT - So that's why..]

I realized why my system was so slow. I had a cron job to check for updates on my system, and when I ran top, I found out that there was something that was running in memory. It had been running for over a thousand minutes which put it at.. two and a half days. That's about when things started slowing down.

I killed the job and realized that it was having problems connecting to a certain FTP server. No wonder. The darned job wasn't using much CPU cycles, but it was sucking up over half of the memory. At least it's done and over with now.


[9:21 PM EDT - Patriot Day.]

I found this at the ShackNews.


[11:51 PM EDT - Ultimate Tournament.]

The ultimate tournament started today. Our first game was at noon so I was able to sleep in. Well, after last night, sleeping in was a must, which meant that I didn't get much more sleep than I normally would! Argh!

Anyhoo, we played our games and promptly lost each and every one of them. We didn't do that poorly, and fought tooth and nail for most of our points, but man-o-man, it was warm, and very sunny today. Not a good combination when running around in jeans. The jeans didn't bother me (they never do) but the sun did. I was feeling very winded by the end. Maybe I should bring an umbrella next time.

We went out to Wendy's for lunch during our game break, and I was planning to go tutoring, except that I couldn't get a hold of them! Nobody picked up the phone. *shakes fist* Oh well.

During the last game, one of the other players came up to me and said,

"Nice jeans."

Thanks. When I looked up, I did a double take. It was DeeL! Well sunofagun. What the heck was DeeL doing here playing in the C league? So we chatted it up for a couple before we continued the game.

Anyhoo, he invited me out to a BBQ but I wasn't really in the mood to go, I decided to drop by later for a bit, but other things got in the way (picking up drinks, checking stuff, getting cleaned up, resting) that by the time I checked the place out, everyone was gone. Oops. Anyhoo, at least I've got time to do some updating. Hopefully I'll have time to do my e-mail too. *looks at time*

Highly dubious.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:43 EDT

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Peter De Vries (From The Quotations Page.)