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[12:50 AM EDT - Skating again.]

Ahh, I went skating tonight. The first time in a long time it seems. It was good exercise, although there were a lot more people than last time. I guess it's getting to that point in the year where people are getting sick of the summer and are starting to skate again.


[Sunday, August 25, 2002: Back to the usual.]

Well, I got back into the usual type of routine: Ice hockey (in the morning), tutoring (in the afternoon) and roller hockey (at night).

I got myself a copy of Neverwinter Nights and I've been pretty much glued to the computer ever since. *sigh* I didn't want to get it, but since Laz and everyone else did..

*hangs head*


Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 21:45:04 EST

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Aaron McGruder (From The Quotations Page.)