Ooh boy. I think I need my eyesight checked. I was driving to work this morning and was coming up to a major intersection when I started hearing police sirens. They were faint and I couldn't see anything so I continued on through the intersection. That's when I caught the sight of a cruiser that was in the intersection just to my right trying to cross the street and I went by in front of it! What the?!? Do I have a blind spot at 2 o'clock?
Hmm.. a similar thing happened a few days ago when I was getting out of the neighborhood. When I was stopped at a stop sign, I did a quickl check left and right and didn't notice anything, but as I pulled out into my turn, I saw an SUV going through the intersection from my right (they didn't have a stop sign). What the heck?!?
Maybe I need new glasses. Or a hearing aid. Or more sleep.
Well, we took MT out for lunch today since it was his last day at work. We're going to have a lot of people leaving in the next couple of weeks. It's going to be sad huh?
Also, I was invited not to one, but two ultimate games! One was for a low C division and one was for low B division. I decided to go to the B division game because, well, it was a LOT closer and apparently they were desperate for guys. Well, people. We played well, and the game was tough, but we lost 17-12. It wasn't that bad actually, and I ended up doing a lot of running in the game.