I was hoping to take it easy today, but I wasn't so lucky. I got up early to go to the first aid thing which actually turned out fairly good. We got free food, the weather was good, and we sat around shooting the $#!^ for the next four hours with only some bee stings and a bumped knee to keep us occupied.
I got back to relax and watch some TV, but that didn't last too long. I even declined an offer to go blading with girl and Dangerman so that I could get some more rest. Unfortunately, I was told to vaccum the house, so I've holed myself up in here so I don't get asked to do anything else.
<- realizes there are no locks on the door.
*shakes fist*
Hey, I forgot to mention that Growly is back from his trip and is going to throw up a chronicle of the events on his site.
I've been cleaning up my e-mail. It sure seems like I've got a lot of log files lying around.. Oh yeah, I still have to upgrade my kernel. Today seems the ideal time to do it huh?
I just finished watching Earth Girl Arjuna. It's pretty deep, and although I disagree with some points in the series, it still conveys an interesting message on the environment.
Oh yeah, on the way to the race thing this morning, I was looking off to the side and thought some oncoming car had flashed me. I was a little puzzled, did someone flash me? Why? Were my lights off? Then I saw a van flash me. Waitaminute.. I went easy on the gas and sure enough, I came across a speed trap not much further down the road.
Driving ettiqute huh? The guy was still there when I was driving back home.