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[1:46 AM EDT - Black Hawk Down.]

I wasn't quite sure if I was going to be able to see "Black Hawk Down" tonight. For some reason I couldn't contact anyone who I thought who might be interested in seeing it. Eventually I was able to convince Werdna to come along less than an hour before the movie started, and HKL was a possibility although a remote one.

Anyway, we (Werdna and I) got to the theatre just in time for the start of the movie. We headed to the entrance when I saw a couple of attendants letting people in. People with tickets. That's when it hit me. The reason why they took down the website was because they had run out of free tickets! *smacks forehead* Of course!

Well, that put me in an interesting dilemma. How were we going to get in? I went up to one of the guards and he told me that they had run out of tickets. (Surprise, surprise.) So we hung around waiting for HKL on the off chance that he'd show up. While we were waiting there, I noticed an old man giving some tickets to a couple that were standing around. *blink* Odd.. I decided to inch myself towards the man and stare in his general direction. When I caught his eye, he came up to me and asked me if I wanted any tickets, showing me apile in his hand. I was going to take three when another guy came in asking for two, which left two for me. Oh well, two is better than nothing right? It was already past the start time, so Werdna and I went into the theatre.

What irked me was the fact that the theatre wasn't even full. There were fifty to sixty odd seats available. What was worse was the fact that a good portion of the audence (I'd say about 20%) were kids. I could've sworn that this was an R rated movie.

Anyway, the movie was good. It wasn't as depressing as I thought it might be, and the action was basically non-stop. I would not have wanted to be in their situation. The movie was a little ruined by the fact that the kids made a lot of noise during the movie, especially during the quieter moments.

Anyhoo, it was good considering that I didn't pay anything for it right? At least people clapped at the end of the movie.


[9:57 AM EDT - Little time ahead.]

Hmm, I'm going to be busy this weekend. Yay.


[Sunday, July 21, 2002: Highway 7.]

Since I wasn't in a rush, I decided to take Highway 7 to KW. The furthest I had traveled on Highway 7 up to that point was to Highway 427, and that was only so that I could avoid city traffic. (It failed miserably unfortunately.) Anyhoo, I was very curious as to the route of the original highway that connected Markham and KW so I rolled down my window and went for a drive.

The trip brought me through the towns of Langstaff and Woodbridge. Both of these towns have swallowed up by the ever growing size of the GTA urban zone. It wasn't long before I made it to Bramlea and Brampton. With so little greenspace between Brampton, Missisauga, and TO, I had always considered Brampton to be no more than a tiny satellite city. I drove through the downtown core and marveled at how built up it was around that area. There was still that smalltown feel that you get when driving through a main street of a small villa like those that dot the countryside, but one street beyond those tiny mom and pop stores that line main street stood massive commercial buildings that dominate the skyscape. The juxtaposition of the incongruous was not lost on me. Eventually, I left the town behind and the road ended. There were no signs pointing me to where the highway continued, which disturbed me, but I decided to turn left and continue. In the distance, I could see the buildings of Missisauga, so I knew I was heading in the wrong direction.

After a bit of thinking, I remembered that Highway 7 actually joined with Highway 410 and went north! Argh! This meant that I had to go north to join up with the highway again. (No problem right?) So I ended up takingsome side roads before meeting up with the highway again at Nortown. I then drove through Georgetown and Acton and marveled at how little open fields there were on the highway. Just about everything along Highway 7 was built up! It was only near Guelph where I finally saw farms in any great quantity. The final leg brought me through Guelph and then through the path I regularly took when I was still a grad student at UW. The trip lasted three hours, which is a little more than I had expected, but it was enjoyable nonetheless to look around at the small (well, not so small) towns that dot the countryside.

I eventually made it tot he CTRL-A show where I bumped into HaremPresident, AgentP and FlyingS who were trying out the Star Wars RPG. Apart from them, I didn't see too many people who I recognized.

I was complaining to them that I didn't have much time to play computer games anymore, so AgentP condesendingly remarked,

"Oh, so have you discovered girls?"

I must admit, that was pretty darned good.

Afterward, I had dinner at McDonald's and then headed home.

Actually, while I was at McDonald's, one guy who was ordering food was looking over the bucket full of jam packets and one of the cashiers was telling us that she tried out the jam by itself but it tasted funny. Putting it on toast was okay, but it didn't taste like jam on it's own. So the guy and I dared each other to try out a packet of strawberry jam. I took my bite and.. eww!! What IS this stuff?!? Gross.. I threw away what was left of the jam and looked for a way to wash out my mouth. The other guy had a similar experience.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:11 EDT

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