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[1:55 AM EDT - Gotta get up for broomball.]

Hmm, it seems as if I won't be getting much sleep tonight. There's a broomball game today and I really tired myself out during hockey. *sigh* This is going to get painful.


[Monday, October 14, 2002: Driving Ringer.]

I woke up early because of the broomball game I had more-or-less promised to go to this morning. The game was actually the last game scheduled for the day, but since it was in Oakville, I needed about an hour's driving time to get to the rink. (I wonder how the heck I'll ever get to any of the early games?)

I had planned for an hour trip, but because of missing equipment, packing, and wondering how my stuff could still be so wet, etc. I ended up leaving a little later than I had wanted. I arrived at the rink (it was pretty easy to find actually) just a tad late.

Actually, the previous game was still going on despite my tardiness, so I figured that I had enough time to change. I was told that the changeroom door would be left unlocked so I tried the first door: Locked. The second door: Locked. The third door: Locked. (This wasn't looking good.) The fourth door: Unlocked! Yay!

I peeked my head inside and didn't recognize anyone inside so I asked if this was the team I was supposed to be playing for. I was told that they were the opponents. So I asked them if they could direct me to the correct changing room to which one of the guys replied,

"Are you a ringer?"

My response was a non-commital "Maybe?" but they were good sports and pointed me to the correct room. Unfortunately, the room was locked. Fortunately, when I went to the ice, GJ (the only person on the team who I recognized) came up to me and gave me the key.

A fight nearly broke out between the two teams that had just finished playing as I wandered back to the changing rooms, but I ducked inside before anything flew my way. A few minutes after I had started changing, another guy from the team came in and gave me a jersey to wear. I got a perfect number: 6.

I got onto the ice halfway through the first period. We only had three subs (including me) and I was still very tired after the previous night's hockey game. (Why I skated so hard in that game knowing that I had to play broomball I don't know.)

I didn't make a complete fool of myself fortunately, although I did screw up a couple of rushes because I couldn't control the ball. Speaking of which, I'm supposed to cut the paddle at some point in time.

I eventually recognized a couple of guys on the team who had played with the Tuesday crew, and there were actually more players from that group that didn't show up to play that day.

I got out and realized that I had nealy two hours before pickup started and the travel time was around half-an-hour. I had a couple of options available to me. I could find something to eat and burn my time that way. I could head back home and drop my sweaty, stinky equipment off. But I decided to kill time by taking the side streets back into town just like last year. The drive in was quite peaceful actually. I ended up going through mostof Oakville and Mississauga, watching as I entered an industrial zone (which was pretty fast) into an old commercial strip (where I probably should've gotten food - or at least a drink), and then into some newish residential zones. The houses were really big here and were probably quite expensive. (Being near the lake and all.)

I ended up driving behind a guy who was actually driving right at the speed limit. I wasn't sure if this guy was stuck at one speed, so I tailed him for a while (I didn't have much else better to do.) Eventually, there was a change in the speed limit and the driver actually dropped his speed to match the speed limit! I was quite impressed actually. I didn't think there were that many people in the city that were patient enough to go right at the speed limit. Anyhoo, I passed by him and pressed on.

I didn't stay on the streets forever. I eventually came up to familiar roads and realized that there wasn't much more new stuff to see so I took the expressway for the rest of the trip.

I arrived at the park forty minutes early and decided to walk around for a bit. I wandered down the paths, and checked out the local farm. I even went on some sort of "discovery path" which didn't really go anywhere. Actually, it wound around a creek which looked awfully green and still. I was wondering why it was so green and still so I threw a rock into the creek. Too bad the rock I threw was pebble size. (I couldn't find any rocks.) The results were inconclusive, although it looked to me that the creek had dried up. I wandered to another part of the path and found proof for my hypothesis when I saw stuff in the middle of the creek that would normally have sunk to the bottom as well as some footprints near the side. Whatever that person was trying to get, I don't know. But I wouldn't want to step into that green guck.

Eventually I ran out of stuff to see so I wandered back to the field where I took a seat on a bench and took a nap.


[Monday, October 14, 2002: "pic" is ultimately "orc".]

I actually started to get kind of chilled because of the strong winds and the occasional cloud that blocked the sun's warming rays. Eventually, I saw a couple of people who were throwing the disc around and I walked towards them. One of the figures started waving at me. Since I still haven't gotten my new glasses, I still can't resolve objects at a distance that well so I couldn't recognize the person. First I double checked to see if I was the one being waved at by looking behind me. Hmm, nobody. Must be me. (I've been wrong before.) But I could not rule out the possibility that I was mistaken. When I got close enough, I recognized who it was. Oh.. I guess she WAS waving at me! (The next time a cute girl waves at me I should wave back right?)

Anyway, pickup went fairly well. A lot of people showed up, enough for two games! I had joined the first game, and stuck with it despite the fact that the second game sucked all of our subs, and basically any new players that game along. Eventually, the first game consisted of mostly expert players plus me (they were running circles around me). Furthermore, we only had one girl in our group. All of the other girls ended up playing in the second game (which is probably why we ended up losing so many of our guy subs).

Anyhoo, I got a lot of practice and learned a lot from playing with these guys. I so often want to do the hail mary pass since it's so easy, but the best thing to do is to work it up the field. I've got to practice that. It was fun watching and participating in those thrusts though.

After ultimate, I finally was able to go home and take a shower. I eventually found my way to DeeL's place where a Thanksgiving dinner was being held. Most of the clan were there. Actually, I've met virtually all of them before but I was much shorter back then. I didn't recognize most of the adults (well, I guess I'm an adult now but you know what I mean) but I remembered most of the kids. (But not the kid kids, just the kids in my age group.)

It was pretty fun and the food was good. We ended up playing bridge, the word game, and MJ before I headed home. We had some great word game moments, but you really would've had to have been there to appreciate the full humor of the situation(s). We also saw some rock climbing videos and some guy who was doing some crazy stunts. Apparently he's got lessons for $150 if anyone wants to try. I'll have to find the website.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 07:28:43 EDT

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