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[Sunday, October 27, 2002: Climbing the tower again (and again and..).]

I actually got up when my alarm went off this morning. I didn't go to bed early the night before as I had planned, so I didn't actually get a lot of sleep. I barely pulled myself out of bed and got dressed. There was no way I was going to take a shower and eat because I didn't have enough time. The plan was to meet up with some people around quarter after eight, so I wanted to make it down in time. (I still had to register.)

I was able to go to the bank to pick up some extra money (I still remembered what happened when I skipped the bank part last month and I didn't want to make the same mistake twice.

I never like driving downtown, and I disliked finding parking downtown even more. In any case, I went down to the place we parked last time and saw the sign showing that it would cost me five bucks. Hmm, I passed by an open lot for public parking so I backed out, and parked there. The attendent came out and asked me for ten bucks. Ten bucks?!? What the..

Unfortunately, I was in a rush, so I paid the guy and kicked myself for not asking if it was a flat rate or an hourly rate. Ah, I guess I won't park there again.

When I got to the registration area (after going around the wrong way) I saw the line up. It was very, very, very, VERY long. It was way longer than the lineup all the previous times.. ever! Holy crap!

While I was walking by the lineup, I came across WF who was also climbing with the guys I was waiting for so I figured that I'd hook up with W after signing up.

Anyway, registering was a cinch and checking my bag was quick, so I was able to go to the meeting place right on time. I tried calling KW on my cell but nobody picked up the phone. After six or seven rings, my phone died. I had forgotten to hook up the recharger the night before (actually, ever since I left for KY) so the poor thing ran out of juice. (That's even worse than trying to use the phone underground!) Unfortunately, I didn't see anyone around at the rendezvous point, including W! I hung around for a minute or so before I figured that they had already gone up so I headed to the tower.

Along the way, I noticed that I didn't recognize anyone at the event. I bumped into half a dozen people that I recognized last time, but this time it was a complete strikeout.

I was ushered into the tower and did my climb. I didn't push myself yet again, and this time I climbed the tower in 18:47. Ugh, I think that's my longest time yet! *hangs head*

I hung around in the tower for half an hour wondering if I actually went up before the group did. I set a return time of quarter-after-nine, which was pretty good timing since someone who looked like PL appeared in the doorway. Well, I wasn't really sure that it was PL so I didn't want to say anything, but that's when WF showed up. So I waved him over and chatted it up a bit while we waited for everyone else to appear. These to healty guys got up in under thirteen and a half minutes! Holy crap.. I am so (relatively) out of shape.

Ah well, there's always next year right?

Afterward, we went to get our stuff before heading out for brunch. BMH and KW got in line to pick up their bag, and I jumped into a shorter lineup. Unfortunately, I think I got into the wrong line because it wasn't moving at all. I was debating whether I should get out and join the real line when one of the volunteers came up and asked.

"Is anyone here coming to pick up stuff?"

*ears perk up* I raised my hand and realized that I was the only one who did. He waved me over, I handed him my tag (which I had put into my sock since I didn't have any pockets) and I got my bag. Just like that. Bada bing, bada boom.

I wandered back to the group with my stuff, and PL looked at me funny.

"How did you get your stuff so quickly?"

So I went through my story. We decided to hook up with the HL and KW, who were still in line, and I tried to convince them to head to the front of the line to pick up their stuff. Well, we ended up standing around for a few minutes before I got fed up, picked up their tag, and got their bag for them. Hee hee. I've got the power! *poses*

It took us another fifteen minutes or so before we decided on a place to eat. We took The Path (which is actually a network of underground links in the city) and headed to the core to grab some grub since most of the restaurants in the area were actually quite expensive.

The food was good, I haven't had potato latkes in a long time and they're much more healthy than fries. Some of us headed back down to the car so that I could drive them around and drop them off. I was trying to rush it a little since I still had to tutor at two. But I was able to drop them all off, get out of downtown (through the side streets) and make it to tutoring only twenty minutes late! *beams*

Wait.. I was still late. *hangs head*


[Sunday, October 27, 2002: Missing the Ring.]

Tutoring went by fairly quickly. I guess teaching can be so busy that you lose track of time. Not always though. Sometimes if you're having trouble explaining a concept, time may suddenly stand still..

Anyway, I got home and vegged for a bit before I got a call from Werdna asking for a ride to Laz's place. So, I got washed up and picked him up. In the process he lent me his Spawn series DVD which I'll try to go through this week. (Yeah, right.) We made it to Laz's place in one piece and he looked kind of surprised when he saw us. We were early. (Way early.) Way early? but my dad told me that Dangerman and girl had already left hours ago! *ding dong* Now who could that be?

Since there wasn't much else to do, we helped Laz rearrange the room so that it could seat enough people confortably to watch the movie. We tested out the player and then got to some Bomberman Online. That's such an entertaining game for four people.

Unfortunately, by the time most of the guests had arrived, I had to go to hockey so I left just before the movie started. (Hey, I didn't want to spoil the plot right?) I'll get to watch it some other time.

I got to hockey early. This has been the only time I got to the rink early, and the only time when there were actually people on the ice before us! *shakes fist*

I played fiarly well, although I wasn't on the ice a lot. Unfortunately our team lost. It was close though. Very close. We battled back from a six goal deficit. I came out +6! Ah well, I won't be around for many games in the next series unfortunately, but we'll see how things go.

We went out for dinner afterward but I didn't order anything. I was still full from dinner.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:01 EDT

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