Ugh, the internet connection is bouncing up and down here. I can't get a consistent connection with anything! Argh! Anyhoo, I'll make this short or I might get cut off. My first aid tests are today. It seems like I'll have three. Yay. Two should be easy, the third is not so easy. We'll see how thing progress from here.
I got a couple of links a few days back. The first is the Rendezvous with Madness film festival from girl, and the second is the Shaolin Wheel of Life show from Laz.
Well, it was yet another cold and windy day today. We wre still having some networking issues so I couldn't update or work consistently. Very annoying! At least I got to try out a new restaurant for lunch so the day wasn't a total waste.
The big news is that the First Aid test was tonight. Actually, all three big ones were tonight: the written test, the diagnostics test, and the CPR test. I was a little worried about the diagnostics until I started writing the written test (which was my first test). Oh my lord, some of those questions were a little ambiguous. I had to guess at a number of them. Too many for my comfort. The CPR test and the diagnostics test were pretty straightforward though. So.. I passed! Yay! I'm certified for yet another year of first pai.. aid. First aid. That's right.
We had a largeish turnout at the bar since it was the last night for us refreshers. A number of people showed up that normally didn't, although we were missing a couple of regulars. In any case, I'm just glad it's done and over with!