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[Monday, December 2, 2002: Sweet Beverly.]

It was raining again today. (For the entire day.) I got up pretty early this morning (before six) and we went out to a restaurant for lunch (I paid). Afterward, I got a ride with one of my uncles on his scooter to my grandma's place. I ended up getting wet because it really started to come down hard at that time (only the shoulders and lower legs though).

When we got there, the power was out so there was nothing for me to do. I got changed into some (borrowed) dry clothes and took a nap. After a while, we figured that I'd be more productive if I went to DL's place since he had an internet connection and they should have power. When we got there (I had changed back into my wet clothes and got more wet) I found out that the internet connection was down! Doh! I didn't have much else to do then but change into some dry clothes (my holey jeans) and watch TV.

We had a late lunch and then we went to pick up some tickets for our touring thing tomorrow. We then got a ride to my grandma's place and found out that we couldn't get in. We walked over to the condo, found out that we should've banged the door harder at my grandma's place because people could've been upstairs, and walked back where we found people waiting.

The plan was to bai sun (whatever it means in English) and while I was waiting, CY showed me his exercise equipment. He didn't have much, but he had this bending thing that you're supposed to bend and I couldn't. Oh my lord it was impossible. He gave me a weaker one which I was able to bend without any problems, but boy, poke fun at my lack of upper body strength! He also had those spring things that you work your back muscles with and some weights. That boy is pretty cut! To think that he's been doing this for only two years!

He then proceeded to do some training exercises, and the kid next door came to visit. He ran around a bit and we gave him some of the equipment to play with. That kid is easilly entertained. Just as soon as CY was finishing, BY came by so I went upstairs.

Since everything was nearly ready, I did the bai sun thing and waited for people to show up for dinner. BY actually came over for dinner as well. RY also finally showed up.

RY and I ended up peeling oranges for dessert and amazingly enough, all of the oranges she peeled ended up being sour while all of the (navel) oranges that I peeled ended up being sweet! (Two each.) We had a good laugh about that.

We then talked with BY for a bit since her English is pretty good. She didn't have an english name so we came up with a number of choices and eventually decided on one. (Although soon afterward, I actually came up with a heck of a lot more good names.)

One of my aunts had gotten some new pants for my dad, but we discovered that they fit me a heck of a lot better than him, and since most of my jeans were wrecked, they gave the pants to me! *struts around in the new pants*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:56:23 EDT

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Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)