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[Monday, September 22, 2003: CD workaround and tutor.]

I got up a little later today since I didn't go to sleep early last night. But I basically decided to try reinstalling the game before I brought the CD back to the store. I started installing and was surprised to see that it went past the spot where I had trouble the day before so I thought that this was a good sign and let it run. Unfortunately, it died again at a different spot but with the same error message. Curious, I stopped the installation and tried again. This time it errored out in the first spot. Could it be the CD-ROM? I decided to copy the contents of the CD onto my hard drive and install it from there. It took a couple of tries, but I finally got it to work (after using my laptop to help). Unfortunately, because the game installed from the hard drive, it scanned the hard drive looking for the CD (which was incorrect of course). But I got around that by doing a CD install, which installed some of the files, and overwrote the main install with these files so that some of them at least were installed via the CD installation. It worked! Sort of. I still get that CD error, but the game runs. So I'll probably try to finish the game and the take it off since it's going to be a bother. So there you go, it was the CD-ROM. Very annoying..

Just as I was figuring out how to install the game, I had to tutor DC. He was having issues with induction and complete induction. Most of the questions were easy, but one stumped me. It was a complete induction problem and I couldn't figure what the inductive step should be. Anyway it went something like this:

RTP: Any rational number r where 0 ≤ r ≤ 1 can be expressed as a sum of fractions 1/d1 + 1/d2 + ... + 1/dk where di is an integer and 1 ≤ d1 < d2 < ... < dk.

I'll have to look it up when I have the time.

[Wednesday, September 24, 2003: I found a page on this problem on Monday. This original comment was lost when I screwed up my scripts on Tuesday.]


[Wednesday, September 24, 2003: Desperately seeking Squishy.]

I decided to take up Squishy's offer to watch "Lost in Translation" with her and friend. Actually, it ended up growing into a dinner and house tour as well! So the plan was to stop by her place, head off to NR's place for dinner, and then drive to the theatre to catch the 9:30 movie.

So, after I dropped off DC at home (since his car didn't start), I headed off downtown. Fortunately, I was forced to leave early because DC needed a ride home, so when I hit that huge traffic jam on the highway I actually made it to the neighborhood only ten minutes early. After I had parked the car, I looked at the map I wrote while talking on the phone with Squishy and realized that it had address and directions to NR's place (since I had originally planned to go there directly), and then directions to Squishy's place, including the ideal place to park, but..

I had forgotten to write down the house number.

*smacks forehead*

Fortunately, I had just entered Squishy's new number into my cell so I tried phoning her to find out her address. Nobody picked up the phone. Eventually, I was connected to the automatic answering machine which promptly told me that the answering service was not configured yet so I couldn't leave a message.

<- looks at phone.

*dials again*

No dice. Well, I wasn't sure what to do at that point. I could wander up and down the street until someone finally recognized me, or..

I called up LY and tried to find out PL's address. Unfortunately, he didn't know, but he had PL's number. I phoned PL and asked for his address. Fortunately, he knew his address (funny that), so I committed it to memory and looked for the house. Several seconds later, I got a call back (yay call display) from PL asking me if I knew that Squishy actually lived in the house next door.

Oh.. uh.. no. *hangs head* Well, at least I wasn't waiting in front of the wrong house. Anyway, when I found the house, I saw two figures standing in front getting ready to enter. What good timing!

I snuck up to the house, but was discovered peeking into the door. I got to meet C and we had some desserts before dinner. I got a quick tour of the new house (the bedroom was really nice) and we were off!

We needed to pick up some cream before heading out, so we stopped by the local convenience store. While C was looking at the flowers outside, and Squishy went inside to pick up some cream, I walked in and saw this girl at the counter. She looked like QoS. I had to do a double take, but she was facing away from me so I couldn't see her face! What were the chances? Could it even be possible? (It seemed highly unlikely that I'd bump into QoS here out of all places.)

While I was walking around strangely, one of the proprietors asked me what I was doing. So I sheepishly indicated that I was with these two lovely ladies *points* and she left me alone. That gave me a window of opportunity to take a peek at the girl..

It wasn't her. *wipes brow* I don't know what I would've said, but I really needed to find out if it was her or not.

Anyway, we were able to make our way to the car and found ourselves at NR's place without a hitch! I actually listened to directions from a girl knowing full well what had happened when I nearly ended up in the girl's washroom, or when we went to the wrong plaza, or when I went halfway across the city. When I admitted that I trusted the navigator I was told,

"That was your first mistake!"

But it definitely won't be my last.


[Monday, September 29, 2003: Lost in Translation.]

Squishy, C and I went down to NR's place for dinner. The house was amazing! From the outside, it looked like any run-of-the-mill house in the neighborhood, but when we stepped inside, it was like entering a completely different world. It was so spacious and it looked immaculate. The detail put into the decor and structure was astounding. Any place I pick up in the near future will probably not even look half as good as that place. Anyway, I digress. We had some Indian food for dinner. The soup was interesting. I originally thought it was sauce, but my initial analysis was incorrect. We were given huge portions and I barely finished it all. Then it was time for the main course. (What? There's more?!?) Yup, more rice and some sort of cheese sauce. It was very yummy, but the soup took up so much space I couldn't eat all that much. (Only two servings.)

Then there was the cake. Oh boy, I thought I was going to burst! ("Waffer thin!") But how could I resist?

<- takes second serving.

So anyway, after that quite filling meal, we headed out to watch the movie. When we arrived, we sent NR to scout out the number of seats left on sale. Apparently there were plenty of seats available, so we found a place to park. By the time we got in line however, they had sold out. Sold out! In like.. five minutes.

So.. we were left with a decision: What to do? We ended up deciding to stay for the later show and headed out to Chapter's to do a bit of reading to kill the time. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, so I just browsed through the sections to see if I could find anything interesting. Nothing really caught my attention, although I did find a book on the origins of the names of the streets of Toronto. That was quite interesting.

Soon enough, it was time to go to watch the movie, so we filed into the theatre and took our seats. The movie was really good. I'd write up a review, but there are plenty of people who beat me to it, so I'll just say that the feeling of.. "Why am I here?" is something most of us has experienced in our lifetime. This just begs the question: What will we do about it? (Apparently, I just bought myself a car so I'm experiencing a mid-life crisis, but I digress.)

Afterward, I finally collected on that offer for some hot cocoa (offered many moons ago) and we had some discussions on life, the universe, and everything. But eventually it was time for me to go home. I guess we'll have to do it again someday..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:22 EDT

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