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[1:24 AM EDT - More hockey.]

I just got back from hockey. I personally didn't play all too well, but our team won (barely). I asked LC about the condos that were near the Town Centre since he was living down there, and I didn't realize how much they cost! The trends indicate that prices are starting to fall in the housing market, so this might be a good time to start looking.


[2:27 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: University residence.]

Ah, before I go to bed (and wake up early for the ultimate tournament), I should write down my dream from this morning. Actually as usual, I've forgotten most of it, but I do remember the premise. I had just started a new year at university (I'm not sure if it was the first year) and was finding a place to live. I was with MJO, and this blonde girl who I recognized. I would say it was Squishy, but I don't think it was. I think she was more along the lines of JH, but she didn't really factor much in this dream so I'm not going to waste brain cells on it.

Anyway, the tree of us were looking for a place to live, and we settled on a house that was part of a student collective type of housing residence. The three of us entered into the main administrative buildling (which was a house) and I was amazed as to how many good looking females were around. (Actually, the room only had a couple of guys and a dozen girls.) We didn't hang around in there for long since we had to move in, so when I entered the house, the girl's bags were already inside the ground floor bedroom, so I headed upstairs. The second floor bedroom looked normal, so I went up to the third floor and saw the third bedroom. It looked fantastic! It had a balcony and a great view, so I headed downstairs to ask MJO if I could take the top floor. He had already thrown his bags into the second floor bedroom (I didn't notice them before) so I headed back up to the third floor to take a tour of the room.

When I got up the second time, I was horrified to see the nice room turn into a weird barn type enclosure with a large opening where the balcony should've been. The floor was made of large wooden planks, which creaked and moved when you stepped on them. They weren't very secure, and there was high risk of falling through. The planks were also spaced a few centimeters apart, so I could see down to the roof of the second floor room (also made of wooden planks). That gave me a little sense of safety since I wouldn't have a long way to fall if I did fall through the floor..


[6:17 PM EDT - Tournament pain.]

Oh man, I hurt. It wasn't the running around, the diving for catches, nor standing around in the sun all day that got to me. No, it's the super sugary milk iced tea that mixed with something in my belly that's making feel like I need my stomach pumped. That and the fact that I had very little to eat before gorging after the game as well.

Urp. I need to lie down.


[10:18 PM EDT - Batch validation.]

Hey, apparently the WDG HTML Validator can actually do site validation so I don't have to validate my site one page at a time! Argh! That would've been useful.

Let's see now.. Ooh, lots of little errors. Not as many typos as I thought there would be, but I still have to make more changes to those picture pages. My little NOSCRIPT cheat is apparently just not good enough!

Man, I'm feeling really tired though. it's been a long day, and I should be getting up early tomorrow although I probably won't. Heck, I didn't even get up early this morning!

Right. Well, I'll see if I can get some sleep tonight then. I'll fix up those pages later.


[10:54 PM EDT - Tournament day clarification.]

I got up late this morning. The game started at nine, but since I didn't go to bed until way after two, I didn't roll myself onto the floor until way past nine. I did however, get myself up eventually.

Skipping breakfast and my morning shower, I rushed out to the field and was surprised to see that the road there was closed due to some sort of race. Unfortunately, I didn't have a map of the area. I had been to the field before and knew how to get there which is why I didn't bring along a map. Of course, I only knew that one way to get the to field. So I went back, and started guessing as to which streets might be able to take me closer to the field. A few guesses later, I found myself at the finish line for that race I mentioned before (there were lots of people there actually, and a number of firetrucks), so I decided to follow the route backwards hoping that will get me back to the street that was closed off. My assumption was correct it seems, as I was able to find my street again at the other end of the closed section. So I was able to find the field, with a little detour and some more time.

Apparently I didn't miss much. The other team was crushing us, and I was only able to get on the field for two points. (Or was it one?) Anyway, after the game, KB looked at me and asked me if I went to WCI. Well, yes.. and then he told me that he and EW also went to WCI! I was so amazed! (I asked him how he knew I went to WCI and he told me that PRQ told him. I asked PRQ how he found out and he told me it was because of this site. Doh. Too much information!)

Anyway, the three of us started going through some teachers that were at the school and who were still around when they finished. Unfortunately, both of them graduated in 2001, which is the year after I finished my MSc (which gives you an idea what the age difference was.. er.. is). So yeah, we went through the usual list of teachers, and I found out that KB was part of the gifted system and that it was still going strong when he left. What the.. he went to CSPS as well! (So did EW for that matter.) Holy crap it's a small world (after all).

Okay, enough with that.

Actually, there isn't much else to say about the tournament. We lost all three of our games. LY showed up near the end of the third game, and even put on his equipment to play a few points, but it wasn't enough to turn the tide. Hopefully we'll do better tomorrow.

Oh yeah, all of that laying out and sliding gave me a lot of grass burns and rashes. I didn't break out into hives or anything, but my exposed skin is very irritated. It's still bad even now! *looks at legs* Speaking of which, my allergies are acting up.

Before I go, I should mention that the super sugary sweet milk iced tea was actually my fault since I was in a sugar mood. I stole everyone else's sucrose and poured it into my glass.

<- feels cavaties forming.

Hey, it tasted good! (Although my stomach and brain complained afterward. Ooh..)

<- falls over.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:37 EDT

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